Okay, so i signed us up for a myspazz account cos i thought it was a good way of letting people know we're still alive, previewing some of the demo songs we're doing for the next record, letting people know about gigs we might have mistakenly agreed to do, and cos nobody uses websites anymore!
I dunno, bloody kids today yadda yadda
If you think we took a long time to join this MySpace malarky - you should see how long it takes us to record an album!
So anyway, cheers for looking and to set your mind at ease: there won't be any fucking huge jpgs with "Thanks for the add" bollocks, and the chances of any of us old gits taking photos looking in the mirror with girls' jeans on is pretty slim... but there may be some pictures of our cleavage
You can still get our CD direct from the lovely people at Crackle!