CHECK OUT OUR INTERVIEW: Lisiya Gori Interview With VM Underground
The coming of winter is typically viewed as a time when things begin to die and wither away .Such is not the case for Alabama based extreme metal band "Lisiya Gori" . The new season has sprouted this enigmatic band onto the scene in a ferocious blast . Deriving its name from a fictional mansion from the Tolstoy novel "WAR AND PEACE".LISIYA GORI, the band will likely stand proud and strong much as the house did against the latest current of trends and fashion proving the true metal is the only metal. the sound of this extreme band draws from all styles of metal and fuses it into a chaotic yet symphonic and melodic strain capable of breaking down barriers amongst fans any given song will take the listener on a trip through heavy ,blasting death metal ,atmospheric black metal , mosh pit inspiring thrash metal and through serene interludes of power/progressive metal .the band moves gracefully through these styles without it ever becoming apparent. Lisiya gori is an underground super group of sorts featuring members from Alabamas metal elite including Fleshtized, Spine cast , Temple of Blood , Quinta Essentia , and Stateofdecay . The band members are all seasoned musicians in the studio and on the stage and bring with them to Lisiya Gori the finest elements of the previously mentioned bands . Plus a fiery zeal that will propel them to greater heights than ever before . The benefit of such experience is that although a new entity the bands sound is well developed and each song carries a consistency that defines the Lisiya Gori style all the while retaining its individuality .The inaugural Lisiya Gori gig was preformed in early November 2005 to a capacity audience opening for well respected headliners , Convergence from within . The audience christened the band with strong applause and plenty of movement which set the pace for the things to come . At this time the 2006 gigging schedule is filling up with performances booked around the nation and massive touring plansd are in the works . It is the desire of each member that Lisiya Gori do every gig and make use of every networking tool necessary to become a staple within the worldwide metal community .A brand new 3-song EP has been recorded at Stargate studios in Huntsville ,AL. under the guidance of Lisiya Gori drummer , Lance Wright. This demo leaves nothing to be desired as all 3 songs are pure metal anthems unto them selves and with a duration of just under 20 minutes the listener gets a good example of talent involved and an idea of what is to come . The production is comparable to that of any major label recording which was made possible by the top notch equipment at stargate , the matermind behind the mixing board and the tight execution of the music performed .Currently Lisiya Gori are needing all promoters , zines , bands, and distributors to get in touch to assist in spreading our music and message . Please feel free to contact Lisiya Gori . ..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5 - Myspace CodesThe new Lisiya gori 3-song demo is now available for $5.00 ($7.00 worldwide). It is profesionally recorded and pressed and contains 20 minutes worth of music. All bands, zines, labels, radio stations and distributors get in touch immediately. No consigment, cash and trades only. We need reviews, interviews, radio airtime, shows and massive distribution. You can also use our new PAY PAL TO OBTAIN YOUR COPY !!!!!!!!!Lisiya Gori c/o LISIYA GORI INC. p.o. box 7011 Huntsville, AL 35807 U.S.A.
Demonolith Down