Travelling, travelling, and travelling! KAR-A-OKE, dancing, delivering pizza, Playing guitar, time, any religion; but mainly Christianity, and Islam. Construction, listening, talking, listening and talking with Kristen. Any language; especially Spanish, Arabic, & Sign Language. People, different cultures, nature, sleeping outside, sleeping naked(not outside), sleeping on the beach, the ocean, the jungle, silence, noise, road trips, hawaii, friends, pizza, women, asian clothing, hard rain, soft rain, fog, my dog-nena, mexico, shisha, brewing wine, different beliefs and world views, making movies, writing, how mechanical things operate, the human body, outer space, and me...self evaluation, self correction, and self motivation. I'm sure you will read it in my book!
Right now I believe I am in the mood to meet with Kahlil Gibran. His book, The Prophet, is one of my favorite books. I have been told that it is the second most read book in the world; falling in at a close second only to the Bible. The prophet is not a hard read but it tackles a lot of lifes questions with proverbial styled answers. Not to mention, his artwork is very, very, interesting. All I have to say is, "wow." It is one of the few books that he ever had published in English, which means that the majority of his works are in Arabic, his native tongue. I look forward to the day that I will be fluent in Arabic so I so that I will be able to read his other works. He was raised in a quiet valley town located in the mountains of Lebanon and grew up in an environment that is very majestic. The Lebanon Mountains run parallel to the eastern edge of the Mediterranean and are world renown by world travellers and historians alike. I cannot wait to travel through the Middle East and visit Lebanon, as well as the town that Kahlil grew up in. I hope this inspires you to possibly read some of his works. And even if you are not fluent in Arabic, dont worry, because his works have been translated into many, many, languages.
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what is music?.. MilesBeyond Rules!!!!!! The German girls really dig a blue mohawk! Third Day... Not for the timid.
My pizza delivery documetary.
The Prophet, War and Anti-war, The Bible, The Quran, The Worlds Greatest Salesman.
Dave Fink