Vaélyn Saffron-Rose Flickerwillow is a Fae creature who lives in the woodland areas of Vineland. Like other fairy folk, beautiful wings grace her human-sized figure(unlike her tiny, sprite relatives). Vaélyn has numerous nicknames, but she is commonly called Saffron.
The mysterious Vaé has the ability to conceal her wings as she lives in the mortal realm and assumes a secret human identity. She is a woodland fairy, but has been known to inhabit areas of snow, meadow, and sand. Before living in the mortal realm, Vaélyn was once royalty in the fairy realm and spent much of her time dancing by the ponds outside of the royal court.
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Vaelyn Loves You!
Youthful and vivacious, Vaélyn loves exploration and adventure. If you search hard enough, you may see her hiding in the forested outskirts of the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire; a place where she may reveal her wings without notice. Lastly, but very importantly, Vaélyn Saffron-Rose is a believer in the love of the almighty Jehovah Maccaddeshem. She knows the truth of the existence of His Son and devotes much of her time dancing in worship and ministering to her fellow Faye folk, many of whom have become so lost. She loves to dance and play her flute. If you are lucky, one day she might perform for you.
A Dance Inspired by Morgan the Bard