Ryan profile picture



About Me

I always thought that playing leapfrog with a unicorn could turn out pretty sketchy. I did eat my vegetables as a kid. I once got stitches without a painkiller. Dumb. I ran a marathon. Dumber. I enjoy a good geopolitical debate. I don't know what I just said. I read this book once, man that was awesome. Rachel my wife is prego. I married her once too, man that was awesome. I like to run and eat pizza, however not at the same time. I love teenage politics. I hate gossip and groupies. I learned how to surf at Laguna Beach, but I don't like the show. I'd rather be hot than cold, unless hot means melting. Two days ago I ate fish and it was tasty. I had two jobs that you will laugh at me for having. I worked at the Gap, and I was a gymnastics coach. I wish I could have been a pirate. I used to have 1 million freckles. Did I mention I don't like ketsup? Nor do I know how to spell it. I don't deserve as nice of a guitar, but I sure love her. Yes guitars are female, so is H R Clinton, but you would never guess it. I sometimes wish I could live on a beach and surf everyday, but I would probably starve because my survival hunting skills aren't what they should be. I got 76 stiches in my butt from a sleding accident and I hate cheese on my tacos. I've yet to hang glide, but just you wait Henry Higgens, just you wait.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Damian Duff, Tony Blair, Reinhard Bonnke, Chris Sharma, Kelly Slater, Jack Johnson, Bono, and Bil Hybels


Snow Patrol, Jon Reine, United Live, Coldplay, Jimmy, Sigur Ros, The Ocean Blue, Dawntreader, Travis, Phil Wickham, and of course U2


Count of Monte Christo, Gladiator, Oceans 12, The Saint, Lord of the Rings, Tears of the Sun, Kingdom of Heaven, Braveheart, GI JOE the movie, Step into Liquid, Bambi


Jack Bauer / Lost, otherwise I think Television is boring...however I did try out for the Amazing Race.


Desire of the Everlasting Hills, Contrarians Guide to Leadership, Divine Conspiracy, Courageous Leadership, Velvet Elvis, The Testament, Good to Great, Visioneering, The Gift of the Jews, Conversation with Bono, The End of Pverty as we know it, The Tipping Point, The Making of a Revivalist, High Aventure in Tibet, Throuhg Gates of Splendor, Peace Child, the Bible,


Jesus Christ, Hudson Taylor, Tommy O'dell, Alan Yuan, Reinhard Bonnke, any student who has lived through a divorce,This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor