Member Since: 21/09/2008
Band Members:
Sometimes Members:
Colin Hunter
Angela Hunter
Kris Mulholland
Kevin Grant
Jon Linstead
Influences: Tom Waits, Nick Cave, Nirvana, Hunter S Thompson, Seasick Steve, Robert Johnson, The Wild One, Bob Dylan, Mark Lanegan, Chopper, James Dean, Queens of the Stone Age, William Burroughs, Bill Hicks, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, The Brain Jonestown Massacre, Marlon Brando, Charlie Bronson, George Carlin, Douglas Adams, John Lee Hooker, LeadBelly, The Marx Brothers, Elvis, Lenny Bruce,
Sounds Like: The hangover Jim Morrison had the night after he was sipping turps out of glass slipper left in Robert Johnson's mansion 27 miles from the same coast that Tom Waits set sail across the 8 seas in a raft fashioned out of coffee stained hub caps and a thirteen string guitar that the LeadBelly estate tried to sell to Kurt Cobain
on the same sunny november night that Nick Cave was caught trying to steal a cigarette from Hunter S. Thompson when he went to the bathroom and found Bob Dylan lying face down in a copy of Naked Lunch that was handcuffed to his foot.
£5 inc. P&P
Available on ITunes
"Above the Below"
01.Caught Between the Devil
02.If I Was You
03.Running Back To Me
04.One Man Army
05.Wolves at the Door
06.Woman of the Night
07.Dead Man Walking
08.Jesus on my Dashboard (Honey Eye)
09.Exactly How It Seems
11.Bottom of the Bottle
12.David Jones
13.Room for the Night
14.Give Me A Reason
Price: £5 (inc. P&P)
"I've had the copy of the album for a few weeks now and it's been a permanent fixture in my CD player."
"Tragic sets himself as a desperate troubadour telling tales of death, despair and alcoholism but even though the material is so dark, there is always a feeling throughout the album that salvation and redemption are just around the corner."
My First Music
"Above The Below hosts the song writing ability to create the foot tapping rhythm of The Coral as well as to manufacture the soulful emptiness of Richard Ashcroft."
"highlights such as Running Back To Me’s driving beat and Dead Man Walking’s heartfelt vocals give the album momentum."
Button Thief Magazine
"It’s bluesy, with a touch of desperation and a whole chunk of earnest, old-fashioned talent."
Tarty Tart
Love shack, Baby
"Take a listen to this one, damn this man is in the groove! Make sure you listen all the way through… towards the end he really lets loose on it and it’s soul-wrenching, honesty."
Tarty Tart on Wolves at the Door.
Record Label: My First Music
Type of Label: Unsigned