Tase me bro profile picture

Tase me bro

I am here for Friends

About Me

IPOD, powell skateboard wheels and loose indy 169's can keep me occupied for hours. nine inch wide skateboards with brand new griptape, single speed bike nerd-riding the best road bike i've ever ridden...rehabbed and customized myself without spending a penny. i love NYC hardcore, black metal, thrash, and joy division in my ears. rad girlfriend. horror movies and david lynch. life would be boring if i wasn't a little insane. cats and dogs are better than people as roommates. I like chicken wings. youtube. richard pryor, cheech and chong, the chicago seven.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

who i DON"T EVER WANT TO MEET: republicans, dudes that think they are tough and walk around demanding "respect," hipsters in wicker park who say they live there because its "close to everything" (close to what?), mouth-breathing semi-retarded gangbangers who rap very loud to themselves at cta stations, whoever invented reggaeton which may be the most awful music ever, men who wear gigantic diamond earrings like my grandma and listen to r and b music, people who say they "hate cats." drop dead-seriously-all you all.

My Blog

Check out this video: cromags

Check out this video: cromags
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 07:38:00 GMT