Started out as a sideproject back in 2004, but somehow the "mainband" went straight to the grave so three members decided to proceed developing Crypt into something more serious. In 2005 a new member (an old friend of theirs) joined on bass and then shortly a vocalist joined and this has been the best line-up so far. Unfortunantly he left for personal reasons and to pursue other matters that he found more important than being in Crypt.
It's been years since we really did anything at all, the band came to a stand-still, people moved away or got occupied with other things until very recently when Anton and Ulf decided to jam just for good old times, but then they decided to record a two-track demo, so said and done. They recorded two tracks, a re-recording of "The Assassin" and a new track yet to be titled. It will be up for download within a couple of weeks hopefully.
Since Anton lives on another location in Sweden, he and Ulf will be recording yet another demo later this year, when music and lyrics have been written. They have no plans on playing live yet, but who knows what the future holds...
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