Well, one day I'd like to meet my Will. In case you were wonderin' who that is, I'll give you some details. William Alpaugh is my dads cousin that he grew up with. They were close like brothers. He passed away very suddenly on January 4, 2008. My whole family was very devastated...some still are even. It's very sad. My dad had to go up to NY for his funeral. The day before the funeral, Will's dad asked my dad to please help him find a stuffed dachshund for Will to be buried with because he loved those doggies so much and he'd never got the chance to have one of his own. So my dad walked the streets of Queens looking in gift shops and bodegas while my mom tried searching online for someone who could overnight it and have it there before his burial the following day but it just wasn't possible. My mom was really sad because, since she was so far away, she was really hoping this was something she could do to bring even a little bit of...relief to Will's family. She couldn't though.
A couple of days after the funeral passed, mom went on a local puppy website that her and my dad liked to look at from time to time whenever they got bored. The lady, my Dixie Lou, would update it whenever she had new pups or as they got older and course it's fun to look at puppies, right? So ANYWAY, this day the lady had added some pictures. My mommy was really surprised to see little brown doxies on there. Dixie Lou had never had that kind before! So my mom told my dad about it and he said he'd call as soon as he got home the next day to find out about them. They both thought it would be really neat to get a REAL dachshund for Will.
As it turns out, Dixie Lou only had doxie's cause she was selling them for her grandson. Mommy and daddy chose Madison from the litter because she was sooooo sweet and cute. They named her Madison Willow. Madison is the street that Will lived on his whole life and Willow...it's prolly self explanatory. They had Maddie for 9 months when they found out 'bout me and my sister. Me and my sisters canine mom belongs to Dixie Lou's daughter in law. My mom and dad talked about it and decided to come and see us. Right away they picked me cause they already had a princess to spoil rotten, this time they wanted a prince. That's me alright! They had to wait a few weeks to take me home since I was so young but they already had a name for me. Bleu. Officially, Treu Bleu "Little Boy Bleu". My name was chosen for me in Will's memory also. You see, the place where Will got some of his tats from, and where my dad got one to memorialize him the day after he passed, is called True Blue in Queens. So you see...me and my maddie are actually Will's dogs but mommy and daddy are really honored to take care of us for him... ♥
imikimi - Customize Your World