Dave_Alden profile picture


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About Me

PuT A GuN To My HeAd AnD PaInT ThE WaLlS WiTh My BrAiNsguesssssss i wass just born to be single?

My Interests

gettin away with livin

I'd like to meet:

How Random...
What's Your Moms Name?: Barb
How Old is Your Dad?: 45
Your Oldest sisters Middle Name?: marie
How Old is Your oldest Brother?: 1 bajillion
What do you call your Grandmother?: i used to call her mummum
The last time you talked to Your Grandfather?: like a month ago
Who do You love the most?: ...(uverrated)
Who Knows all your secerets?: noone... maybe my dog
How and Where did you met your bestfriend?: hmm dont a have a best one.
Do you like Tomatoes?: kinda not really
Who is your secert crush?: its a secret dumbass!
Whats your sign?: dunno i lithink capricorn or sumthin
Are you single?: yea
Whats your Moms Favorite color?: blue
What's your favorite color?: green
A boy or a girl first?: girl
What do you want to name your daughter?: ... prolly my wifes middle name
What do you want to name your son?: ALDEN
What is your ethnicity?: im jewish ithink
What is your favorite number?: 4
Place you would like to visit that you've never been?: AMSTERDAM!
Sexiet Male/Female alive?: DEVON! haha
What color is your car?: its a lite blue white kinda like an EASTER EGG! i luv that piece a shit
Are you out of highschool? If not what year do you graduate?: i graduate next year
Do you like Snickers?: yea, but i like SKITTLES BETTER! hah jk
Your perfect Pizza?: covered with so much stuff u cant eat the whole hting
Do you believe in soulmates?: not really but i dunno im 16
Do you think you may not realize, your soulmate is right in front of you?: i guess not
Do you believe in all the wonders of the world?: exept the talkin dog.. that bitch
Are you really happy with yourself?: yea i guess. no complaints..
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And with my one last gasping breath-id apologize- for bleeding on your shirt


I adopted a cute lil' emo fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus! I adopted a cute lil' death fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!


i guess if i watched it more often/// id watch the COOKING CHANNEL~~!!!~~~ BAM BAM BAM IM THE IRON CHEF BITCH!



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My Blog

smashed up a lil./

im a lil unhappy.  i overshot a jump at bear creek... i went maybe 5 feet off the top of the ramp.... cleared the landing.. another 6ish feet... goin too fuckin fast... i landed with my board up...
Posted by Dave <Rettachment> on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 06:51:00 PST


i got a myspace          ;  gimme friend requests or sumthin       so far i have tom and a picture of a dogs bung hole ...
Posted by Dave <Rettachment> on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 01:17:00 PST