I less than three surfboarding. Snowboarding is da bomb. Music motivates me to get my bootay shakin.
Podcast available at swindletone.blogspot.com
Arcade Fire, POISON IDEA, T.S.O.L, Agent Orange, Descendents, Circle Jerks, early Black Flag, Iggy and the Stooges, E.T.A, Suicidal Tendencies, Motorhead, Angry Samoans, Le Shok, What Happens Next, Reagan Youth, Stiff Little Fingers, Adolescents, BLACK SABBATH, Zeppelin (of course), Negative Approach, Jeffries Fan Club, Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Beatles, Richard Cheese, D.I., Modest Mouse, 7 Seconds, Infest, THE CLASH, the Vines, 311, Government Issue, The Dickies, the Addicts, TENACIOUS D!!, Gorilla Biscuits, MC5, Cky, Buzzcocks, old Bad Religion, NO HOPE FOR THE KIDS!!!! Queen, The Gate Crashers, Shank, HIT ME BACK!, OUT OF VOGUE, the Ventures, Scarlet Fever, old Metallica, Viloent Femmes, Rick Barrs, Battalion of Saints, Minor Threat, Nirvana, Wishbone Ash, DS-13, Amdi Petersens Arme, Foo Fighters, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, old school No Doubt (Tragic Kingdom), Dogwood, Bad Brains, Bowie, Sea Wolf, Wolf Parade, Wolf Mother, the Flaming Lips, Delta Spirit, Sufjan Stevens, QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, Eagles of Death Metal, Muse, Iron and Wine, jazz, indie rock, i can't stop listening to Elliott Smith, CLAPTON IS GOD, the Shins...
donnie darko, napoleon dynamite, sandlot, billy madison, happy gilmore, old school, peter pan (cartoon version), robin hood (cartoon and kevin costner, he's hunky), hook, the batman numero uno, ace ventura: pet detective, the mask, fight club, kill bill, edward scissor hands, waterboy, zoolander, meet the parents, DUMB AND DUMBER, pirattes of the caribbean, finding nemo, anchorman, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, what about bob?, ferris bueler's day off, the clockwork orange, teenage mutant ninja turtles (all of the movies rock), black sheep, tommy boy, goonies (duh), the fifth element, punk rock surfers *oi*, OFFICE SPACE, jackass the movie, all the cky's, monty python and the holy grail, THE INCREDIBLES!, wayne's world, austin powers, johnny tsunami, lost boys, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, elf, big daddy, orange county and anything with jack black and/or will ferrell, SIN CITY
simpsons, family guy, aqua teen hunger force, sealab 2021, samurai pizza cats, chappelle's show, MOST EXTREME ELIMINATION CHALLENGE, old snl, late night with conan o'brian, spongebob squarepants, ren and stimpy, wild and crazy kids, double dare, fresh prince of bel air, r u afraid of the dark, pete and pete, ALLI G SHOW (booyakasha!), that 70's show, ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT, IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA, THE OFFICE
Harry Potter, anything by Dan Brown, Everybody Poops, Narnia, Pipe Dreams, Calvin and Hobbes, The Shadow of the Wind, Ender's Game, Water for Elephants, Kite Runner, Slaughter House Five, Cat's Cradle, Catcher in the Rye
my brother Keith, my parents, Bubba Kapko, my pap, mary and john thompson