Spending time with good peoples, The Arts, Graphic Design, Photography, Traveling the world, learning anything new... All the things that make this life that much more interesting...
People who are creative, open-minded, positive and honest. Can't stand ignorance, being fake and those with no direction.
Your Life Path Number is 6
Your purpose in life is to help others
You are very compassionate, and you offer comfort to those around you.
It pains you to see other people hurting, and you do all in your power to help them.
You take on responsibility, and don't mind personal sacrifice. You are the ultimate giver.
In love, you offer warmth and protection to your partner.
You often give too much of yourself, and you rarely put your own needs first.
Emotions tend to rule your decisions too much, especially when it comes to love.
And while taking care of people is great, make sure to give them room to grow on their own.
What Is Your Life Path Number?
Hopeless romantic, what can I say. Among the tops: Love Actually, The Notebook, Notting Hill.. I could go on and on, haha.
Sex and the City, Grey's Anatomy, Brothers & Sisters, Entourage, and sadly I can't deny my love for HGTV.
The Four Agreements, The opposite of Fate, Leaves of Grass and then the lighter stuff like Memoires of a Geisha, The Five People you meet in Heaven, White Oleander... basically anything insightful, well-written or remotely girly and not too stupid.
Everyone who is really close to me. They've each taught me something invaluable that has made me who I am.