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About Me

Hello everyone... My name is Te'Kwandra Redd but everyone calls me Teka... Yes i'm the one everyone has in one of their surveys on their page, damn you can say i'm very popular and loved.... Or hated, doesnt really matter though. I'm nice when I want to be and that is hardly ever so you can say i'm mean most of the time, I hang out with only a few H.G...... LOL.... If u want to know anything else hit me up.Layout by Tennaya Layouts / HotFreeLayouts
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My Interests

Which one of your friends:
Is the funniest: Jade
Is the smartest: KaSandra
Is the most blonde: DeAndra
Can you trust with anything: Kyla
Is the most athletic: None
Has the best smile: KaSandra
Has the best hair: DeAndra
Can sing the best: Me!!!!
Whos your best friend of the opposite sex? Chris L.
Has the most classes with you: none
Is the most daring: Jade
Changes crushes as much as underwear: Me
Has had the longest relationship: jade
Is the most emotional: DeAndra
Is the richest: None Of Them
Is the most obsessive: nobody
Is the girliest: Brittney and DeAndra
Likes cottage cheese: None Of Them
Has the funniest laugh: Saniece
Knows the most music: All Of Us
Has the nicest room: Me and KaSandra, when they are clean!!
Is the most popular: All Of Us!!!
Is most likely to get married soon: jade
Has the most common name: Brittney
Has the most uncommon name: Me, (Te'Kwandra)
Has the best clothes: Brittney
Knows EVERYTHING about you: Jade, Saniece, and KaSandra
Is easiest to talk to: Jade
Is easiest to be weird around: All Of Them


I'd like to meet:

A to Z Survey
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A - Available No
B - Best Friend Saniece, Jade, and Brittney
C - Crush Maybe, but i'm not telling you his name.
D - Dad's Name Rodney
E - Easiest Person To Talk To Jade
F - Favorite Band Nickelback
G - Gummy Bears Or Worms Worms
H - Hometown Columbia, SC
I - Instrument None
J - Job Wal-Mart
K - Kids Hell No!!!!!!!!!!
L - Longest Car Ride Virginia
M - Milk Flavor I Hate Milk
N - Number Of Siblings 4
O - One Wish Haters would stop hating on me and Brittney!!!!
P - Phobias I..'m not scared of anything.
Q - Favorite Quote I dont give a fuck!!! Does it look like I give a fuck, cause I dont!!
R - Reason To Smile Family, friends, and Butta crazy ass!!!!!
S - Song You Last Heard Stuntin Like My Daddy
T - Time You Woke Up 10:30am
U - Unknown Fact About Me I had a twin brother.
V - Vegetable I hate vegetables
W - Worst Habits Cursing
X - X-Rays You've Had None
Y - Your Favorite Food Pizza
Z - Zodiac Sign Aries
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All About Me Survey
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I Am Cute
I Want Your Man
I Have 3 true friends
I Wish I was rich BITCH!!!!
I Hate Kimberleigh Yates
I Fear No one!!!!
I Hear Jade trout mouth ass!!!!!!
I Search 4 myspace layouts
I Wonder Why people hate me!!!!
I Regret Being friends with certain trick ass hoes!!!!!
I Love My family, and friend.
I Ache WTF????????/
I Always Will have DiShawn..
I Usually am mean as hell
I Am Not an easy person to get along with.
I Dance when I want to.
I Sing everyday
I Never got my ass beat.
I Rarely cook
I Cry when i have to
I Am Not Always mean
I Lose jewelry
I'm Confused when jade talks
I Need money.....
I Should be watching tv

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Who is the number one person in your top 8? Saniece
If you could add anybody to your top 8 who would it be? Tesha
Have you made any new friends recently?If yes, who? No, I have all the friends need.. .
Are you nice or mean? Nice, but I get mean when I have to
Who do you admire the most? My mom
If you could tell one person how you really felt about them who would it be? Fabonia Saintvil
What would you say? no hard feelings, u was just hanging with crowd so everybody had to get it.
What's your favorite song? Bestfriend
Do you have any kids? Hell No
What's your favorite television show? One Tree Hill
Are you in a relationship? Nope.
If so, with who? Ib
Who was your first love? Terrence

Who took your virginity? Terrence
Are you an honest person? Yes, 2 honest
How old are you? 20
Do you like myspace? Yes
Did you like this survey? Yes



45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone
whats your name spelt backwards?: ardnawkeT
What did you do last night?: Chilled.
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: Music.
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: No... Jade probably has...
Last time you swam in a pool?: Been a while.
What are you wearing?: A tank top and some buy shorts.
How many cars have you owned?: 2
Type of music you dislike most?: Rock
Are you registered to vote?: Yes
Do you have cable?: Yes.. Who doesnt??
What kind of computer do you use?: emachine.
Ever made a prank phone call?: Yes.
You like anyone right now?: Yes, my baby.
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: I'm Black.
Furthest place you ever traveled?: canada
What's your favorite comic strip?: Dont have one
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: Yes
Shower, morning or night?: Both
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: Jackass 2
Favorite pizza toppings?: Pepperoni
Chips or popcorn?: chips
What cell phone provider do you have?: T*Mobile
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: What the fuck????
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: No, but I could be.
Orange Juice or apple?: orange
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: Latese, Jennifer, and Shawanna.
favorite chocolate bar?: Butterfinger
Who is your longest friend and how long?: Aja, since 6th grade.
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: I hate tomatos
Have you ever won a trophy?: Yes
Favorite arcade game?: Dont have one.
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: Nope
Sprite or 7-UP?: Sprite
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: No
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: Soap
Ever thrown up in public?: No
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: millionaire
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: Yes
What message is on your voicemail machine?: Leave a message and i'll call you back
Where would you like to go right now?: To sleep
Whats the name of your pet?: Zach, patches
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: Dont have one
What do you think about most?: Myself and how fine I am.
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