THE MIDNIGHT HOWLERS profile picture


About Me

The Midnight Howlers started playing their own brand of Rockabilly in 06'. After a couple days and hundreds of brews later, they started to have something pretty rockin'! Since then the lineup has changed a bit, but they still continue to pump out great psycho-billy beats quicker than they kick out their own rent!Stay tuned for the much anticipated full length, and as always, leave us a comment and let us know watcha think! Or better yet, come check us out!

My Interests


Member Since: 19/09/2008
Band Website: your looking at it!!
Band Members: Chops:Lead Vocals and Guitar
CHRIS MACABRE:Lead Guitar and Vocals
PAUL THE CAT:Upright Bass and Vocals
(Seeking New Drummer): "were looking for a guy with chops, not the sideburn kind either because I have that covered." -Chops
ROBBY WRECK:Giraffe Racer and Part-time Drummer

Influences: psychobilly,rockabilly,punk, doo wop,country western,50's,60's,70's,80's rock n roll,new wave,dark wave,hardcore,metal...etc
Sounds Like:"The Midnight Howlers ( ) are exploding in the psychobilly punkabilly outlets. Hearing them the first time @ Wreckin Rita's b-day I was an instant fan acquiring multiple bruises from wreckin in the pit..and a bloody lip. These guys have now played multiple shows in the Modesto area, I have since got the pleasure to party with these guys too...pure freakin comedy and good times. Playing for me @ The Quakes show, these guys are picking up large named bills (Mad Sin May 15 in Fresno). The Midnight Howlers are destined for headlining their own tours very soon!" -red epidermis
Rock 'n Roll Cabaret 4 - June 08 from Sideshow Freaks on Vimeo .
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Seeking New Drummer

Hey there,     how yah doing? Chops here, just letting you know that we're currently  looking for a guy with chops, not the sideburn kind either, because I have that covered. So please keep in mind wh...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Sep 2009 23:01:00 GMT