ChildVoice International is a global Christian non-governmental organization that restores the voices of children silenced by war by raising awareness; promoting research; and creating effective, sustainable interventions.
We work in war-torn countries with local non-government organizations to assist children of war, restoring the voices of children who have been silenced by the horrors they have experienced. Through collaborating with NGOs, we empower children to regain their voices through sanctuary, education, therapy to address psychosocial and spiritual needs, childcare and parenting skills where needed, vocational training, and microfinance loans to build businesses.
The children served by ChildVoice International and partnering grassroots NGOs include former child soldiers, children orphaned by war, and those left destitute by rebel activity.
In northern Uganda, ChildVoice is operating a long term, sustainable rehabilitation center for child mothers — formerly abducted girls who escaped from the LRA with babies. These girls are living safely, catching up on their education, getting vocational skills, receiving psychosocial and spiritual counseling, and learning life coping skills. Through various income generating activities, these girls are earning a wage and participating in a savings program that will provide them with financial assistance when they return home. Their children are participating in early childhood development activities that are preparing them for school. In addition, ChildVoice is building schools, developing water and sanitation projects, and operates a health center for Lukodi and Kulubel, the communities in northern Uganda where the project site is located. These activities are assisting the return and resettlement of internally displaced people from these communities. A masterplan is in place to build a permanent campus for 1000 children.
Work is underway in south Sudan and DRC to assess the possibility of replicating the program in these countries in the near future