I know who I am and I know where I'm going. With that said, I think that people tend to sound self important when they describe themselves to others and might sometimes miss the things that others pick up on. In other words, what I tell you about me might not be what others know about me and usually your friends have a pretty good grasp on who you are. It is for these reasons that I feel unqualified to say anything about myself and have decided instead to use the words of people who know me to describe me. I will update this as necessary.
Mylinda says 'Big, and fluffy, and threatening. Oh, and good at restraint ;)'
Erica blurts 'Mike, you're a great friend. Extremely caring and would go the mile for the people you care about!'
Will sneezes 'this guy is crazy, they should make a movie about him.. except make him green with funky ears..'
Carlton pontificates 'I remember you from Weaver Elementry .. stepping on that nail.. Lera Brown.. the playground.. Playing with your dads electronics.. Sledding on car hoods in the winter.... You looking out one window John looking out the other calling curbs... Working on my old truck at your apartment in Dallas.. Cancun.. A two person wander trip to the Grand Canyon and all the cool stuff inbetween'
Erin pronounces 'Mike once said to me that he was the grown version of Calvin, and sure enough, he delights in chaos, is highly imaginative, and can make even mundane things seem funny and magical. He's turned a cube farm into a Nerf-gun war zone, impersonated a Wookie version of Christopher Walken, and transformed Darth Sidius into a frog. All he needs is a tiger friend, but I'm not sure how he feels about furries'
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