christina aguilera and gisele
fAsT aNd tHe FuRiOuS(aLl oF tHe ThEm), lAkE HoUsE, jArHeAd, FaIluRe To LaUnCh, jUsT fRiEnDs, YoUrS mInE OuRs, ChIcKeN LiTtLe, wIcKeR pArK, tAkInG lIveS, wHiTe cHiCkS, yOu GoT sErVeD, HoNey, sEt It OfF, fInDiN nEmO
I lOvE LaW & oRdER, aLl oF tHe CsI's, wIlL & gRaCe,LaS vEgAs, hOuSe, Er, ThE cLoSeR, pRiSoN bReAk, ThE gIrLs NeXt DoOr, BoNeS, dEaL oR nO dEaL.
My FaMiLy CuZ tHeY sHiNe tHrU aLl tHe UpS & dOwNs aNd sTiLl kEeP tHeRe HeAdS HiGh!