Andy profile picture


Perfect One, Matchless King, Beautiful Son, all of Creation Sings. Who is like our God. Who can comp

About Me

Ask me about three[ten] youthCHURCH - jr. high - sr. high student ministries

My Interests

Valuable pieces of information ::Job :: Student Minister for three[ten]youthCHURCH at The Christian Church of Casa GrandeHeight :: 6’1” with Ice Skates, 5’11” withoutBest Feature :: I have a really attractive left elbowOne Wish :: For the Red Sox to win back to back world series!Interesting Fact :: I love Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks Coffee. Just coffee, not the fruffy drinks, I wish I had a drinking fountain that squirt out Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts Coffee rather then water. (diet coke would be nice too)What makes you happy :: Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts coffee, Diet Coke, music, Jell-O Pudding Pops, three[ten] youthCHURCH, my amazing Fiance, sports, the way Bill Cosby says, “Jell-O Pudding Pops”, card games, and the color blue.Are you musically talented :: Sure… name it and ill play it…..unless you want descent music to come out….’cause then I’m not.If you could go back in time, and change something what would you change :: When the Red Sox traded Babe Ruth to the Yankees.If you were an animal for a day what would you be :: A Smurf

I'd like to meet:

A Ninjaneer and the the creator of Fraggle RockView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


But really I love all types of music. You will always find me listening to music no matter where i am at or what i am doing. I think its because i get bored with myself pretty easy!




I really dont watch a whole lot of tv because i never have time, but if i am watching, normally it would be some sort of sport. Tuesdays and Thursdays are good viewing days. amazing race, csi, ncis, without a trace. good flicks. also, for some weird reason, i love to food network. dont know why.


So im reading "i am not but i know I AM" again. once again it is kickin my butt. If you havent read "i am not but i know I AM" you should read it! Great book! Andy's Must Read List -Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller -i am not but i know I AM by Louie Giglio -Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell -The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning -Wild at Heart by John Eldredge -The Bible (its a good one trust me......)All Leaders are Learners.


Jesus, King David, and my Dad

My Blog

From the Inside Out

A thousand times i've failed / still your mercy remainds / should i stumble again / still i'm caught in your grace/ everlasting / your light will shine when all else fades / never ending / your glory ...
Posted by Andy on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 02:58:00 PST

The Best Things Are Worth Fighting For

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see...." by FAITH abel offered God a better sacrifice that cain did..... by FAITH enoch was taken from this life.... by FAITH...
Posted by Andy on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 12:22:00 PST

Just a thought provinking thought from my reading

To be authentic means literally that we are not false or copied, that we reflect the original.  Our separation from God has made us into imitations, no longer reflections of the Creator.  Al...
Posted by Andy on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 02:14:00 PST

Just another Loser!

Matthew 10:39::  "Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." My prayer is that among young people there would be no more rebels or posers but only ...
Posted by Andy on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 02:17:00 PST

What the World Will Never Take

Artist: Hillsong UnitedAlbum: Look To YouTrack: What The World Will Never TakeWith all I'm holding insideWith all hopes and desiresAnd all the dreams that I've dreamtWith all I'm hoping to beAnd all t...
Posted by Andy on Tue, 23 May 2006 01:41:00 PST


I would like to know whos taken a stand for the Children in Northern Uganda!  Post a reply to this blog stating that your a night commuter!  Were ending a War by layin down!  ...
Posted by Andy on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 12:27:00 PST

Global Night Commute INFO!!!!

The Globe Night Commute is a worldwide event organized by the invisible Children Inc, organization.  The Night Commute which will take place on April 29th, 2006, will feature people from around t...
Posted by Andy on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 12:24:00 PST

The Valley

You have led me to the sadness I have carried this pain On a back bruised, nearly broken I'm crying out to You Chorus I will sing of Your mercy That leads me through valleys of sorrow To rivers of jo...
Posted by Andy on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 03:08:00 PST

I.C. update

  Dear IC watchers/listeners/supporters/friends& This past week, Jolly wrote to us, "I would like to tell you that Museveni has won the election. As for us in the North we are in trouble with bot...
Posted by Andy on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 04:10:00 PST

invisible children

-Were a generation that has heard the cries, seen the suffering, the hurt, the tears, the pain. -Were a generation that will no longer sit and do nothing. (and say how terrible and continue to eat ou...
Posted by Andy on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 04:53:00 PST