yin profile picture


it's mE!!!

About Me

wELL bOuT me..I'M a SimPle GirL but I likE to wEaring JeanS or aNy Pants.as WeLL in T-sHirtS..I'm LuCky GirL..erM..KiNd Of "My HAPPY ENDING..."yeaH..Well I'm Not A perFect PerSon..but I'm JusT wHo I'm...erMM...WeirDO...verY weIrd!!!...hEi...ComE On..JoiN mE!!!in mY neW My SpAcE..aLso iN my FreINdsteR.cOm

My Interests

WhaT eVer!!!...aNy Thing In ThiS woRld I LiKe..accEpT..WAR!!!! PerHaps onLy In SingiNg/DancIng/WriTing....Bla..BlA...... And oF cOurse...LINKIN PARKmY FavoUratE....muaHHHH!!!

I'd like to meet:

WhO Do I lIke To mEet?..erM..thE oNe Who uNderStand Me..caN Get AlonG With mE..and Of cOurse...."mesTi SaTu KepAla larRrr".... _StudeNt In koleJ Poly-TecH mAra @CoVentrY (dBiT) @CoVenTry (dCs) @uPm (dSk) @mMu (beTa/ AlphA) @uItm @sSk @blA..Bla..bLa.... _eX-StuDent iN SekOlah MenenGah PuTeri SeRembaN (2002)


-- Linkin Park - Numb -- Video code provided by KEKAI BOYLinKin Park...LinKin Park...Linkin pArk..What Else?.......eVenEsSence...SimPle PlaN....bLAck Eye PeaS...Any SonG thaT SounDs GooD!!!