check out BRIK WALL from OC RollerGirls! LEAD JAMMER How it should be!!.. Read my VisualDNA ™ Get your own VisualDNA™
Con Funk Shun - Love Train (Live)
by PeteRock ~~~ This is my life and I intend on livin it!!! WELL!! Best wishes to you and yours!! ~Reg~I got my layout at
blues, smooth jazz, old skool, hip hop,r&b, reggae, gospel, swing, rockabilly and select alternative...
Loved American Gangster, Training Day, JUNO, Wedding Crashers. Anything Tyler Perry or starring Jamie Foxx, John Travolta, Morgan Freeman, Nicholas Cage, Denzel Washington and Sydney Poiter...
Sopranos, Lifetime,Reality (dammit!) old black&white movies,basketball and football
BIBLE.......much to learn in there...just started ..inventing the of our lives...we'll see what it's all about soon.
God, because I am a christian folks, my children and everyday people handling their everyday business...