My friends, photography, writing, reading, Music, literature, theater, acting, Norse and Greek Mythology, "Ancient History", "pelÃculas de culto", foreign traditions, my very own religion, memorizing poetry, old Disney classics, Argentina and Ireland...
... and geeks, they're the ultimate hobbie.
Julio Cortázar, Orson Welles, Karol Woljtyla (or however it's spelled), Janis Joplin, Joseph Goebbels, Francisco Franco, Salvador DalÃ, Oscar Wilde, Monroe, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Thomas Hobbes, David and Peter Helfgott, Geoffrey Rush, Pepeto and Clementina Cárdenas.
Love & Fame & Death.
It sits outside my window now
like and old woman going to market;
it sits and watches me,
it sweats nevously
through wire and fog and dog-bark
until suddenly
I slam the screen with a newspaper
like slapping at a fly
and you could hear the scream
over this plain city,
and then it left.
The way to end a poem
like this
is to become suddenly
Charles Bukowski.
(Uy, sÃ, que viva la contemporaneidad.)
Y Valéry también dijo: "Beau ciel, vrai ciel, regarde-moi qui change!" Cosa que no es mentira. Pero que ojalá fuese verdad.
Musical taste: Classical Music, Celtic, Fuzzy-Lame-Weepy ballads, EBM, Instrumental, Old "Rock n' Roll", Rock argentino, Tango, 80's pop, poets reciting their own works (such as Cortázar, for the dummies), Industrial, silence and laughter.
¿No es mariquÃsima? : D
Obra de Mr. Casanova.
I'm a Beauty and the Beast freak. And yeah, I'm 18.
Scrubs, Mad About You, Seinfeld, Frasier, Madame Bovary's series, Film&Arts crap, A&E Biography on Monroe, Burton and Welles, etc.
The more, the better.
My grandparents (motherly), my mom, my friends (my dearest Father and my nena) Roxanna Collazos, Clementina Cárdenas and my very own Daniel Casanova : D.