Dolórzano profile picture


No quieras ocultar, que has pasado sin-n tro-pezar (8)...

About Me

Favorite things to do: To laugh, kiss and hug, to be trusted and to trust, meditation, talking and listening.
I also have this obssession that goes under the name of Literature, literatura, it's almost bleeding me, and that's not bad. I guess blood makes the difference. And women, and men, but there are no men and/or women in real literature/a. They're these perfect little ghosts, almost floating above the swamps' water pools. Like the engine of a car, or a dead butterfly in a basement, like mine. Anyway, it's good. It's really good. May be Mommy and Daddy talked about it too little. Oh, and, I love Pink Floyd. They were cool too. But drugs are too expensive. May be that's why their albums' covers where so overrated. Yeah, drugs are not that ok. Mumbling? Me mumbling? I don't think so. That's only for Willy Wonka to decide :).
Y ahora... ¡en Castellano (mayúscula, y no se dice "español" porque sueña como a "morfol")! :D
Yo también tengo esta obsesión que va bajo el nombre de Literatura, literature, casi me está sangrando, y eso no es malo. Supongo que la sangre hace la diferencia. Y las mujeres, y los hombres, pero no hay hombres y/o mujeres en la literatura/e real. Ellos son como pequeños y perfectos fantasmas, casi flotando sobre las piscinas de agua de los pantanos. Como el motor de un carro, o una mariposa muerta en un sótano, como el mío. De cualquier manera, es buena. Es muy buena. Tal vez Mami y Papi hablaron muy poco de ella. Oh, y amo Pink Floyd. Ellos también fueron chéveres. Pero las drogas son muy caras. Tal vez por eso las portadas de sus discos fueron tan sobrevaloradas. Sí, las drogas no son tan chéveres. ¿Balbuceando? ¿Yo balbuceando? No lo creo. Eso sólo lo puede decidir Willy Wonka :).
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My Interests

My friends, photography, writing, reading, Music, literature, theater, acting, Norse and Greek Mythology, "Ancient History", "películas de culto", foreign traditions, my very own religion, memorizing poetry, old Disney classics, Argentina and Ireland...

... and geeks, they're the ultimate hobbie.

I'd like to meet:

Julio Cortázar, Orson Welles, Karol Woljtyla (or however it's spelled), Janis Joplin, Joseph Goebbels, Francisco Franco, Salvador Dalí, Oscar Wilde, Monroe, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Thomas Hobbes, David and Peter Helfgott, Geoffrey Rush, Pepeto and Clementina Cárdenas.

Love & Fame & Death.

It sits outside my window now like and old woman going to market; it sits and watches me, it sweats nevously through wire and fog and dog-bark until suddenly I slam the screen with a newspaper like slapping at a fly and you could hear the scream over this plain city, and then it left.

The way to end a poem like this is to become suddenly quiet.

Charles Bukowski.
(Uy, sí, que viva la contemporaneidad.)

Y Valéry también dijo: "Beau ciel, vrai ciel, regarde-moi qui change!" Cosa que no es mentira. Pero que ojalá fuese verdad.


Musical taste: Classical Music, Celtic, Fuzzy-Lame-Weepy ballads, EBM, Instrumental, Old "Rock n' Roll", Rock argentino, Tango, 80's pop, poets reciting their own works (such as Cortázar, for the dummies), Industrial, silence and laughter.

¿No es mariquísima? : D
Obra de Mr. Casanova.


I'm a Beauty and the Beast freak. And yeah, I'm 18.


Scrubs, Mad About You, Seinfeld, Frasier, Madame Bovary's series, Film&Arts crap, A&E Biography on Monroe, Burton and Welles, etc.


The more, the better.


My grandparents (motherly), my mom, my friends (my dearest Father and my nena) Roxanna Collazos, Clementina Cárdenas and my very own Daniel Casanova : D.