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About Me

Ian Roussel is a master craftsman and visionary with a keen eye for the unusual, a radical edge to the already kool, and a love for stirring up controversy with every single build.Like most of his fans, Ian fell in love with kustomizing cars as a teenager. After honing his skills in New York, Ian came to Southern California, the Mecca of custom cars, to immerse himself in metal fabrication and to cut, chop, and channel his way into Kustom renown.Imbued with a look and sense of style the average builder can only dream of, Ian's creations and custom builds are always and everywhere the center of attention, respect and - frequently - heated debate.Ian has the uncanny ability to tailor each build to its uniquely defined specifics. His ingenious problem solving skills have become legendary and are well documented on each of his commercial DVDs. Ian keeps his eye on the finish line without cutting corners while staying true to his art and lending his finished product an always inspiring and eternally unique look as only a consummate professional with his edge can.With his charisma and frequently off-beat wit, Ian has captured the attention of many a build show viewer while creating a faithful army of fans eagerly anticipating the Master's next move.Ian refuses to compromise and always puts his own art and skills to the test. With his boundless knowledge, skills and love for building, Ian has what it takes to bring Kustom Kulture to the next level!

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