suker bc novel n listening radio..somtimes swimming baek utk kesihatan..huhu.joging kdg2 bley mk ur mind free.plg suker lepak dgn kawan2..opss luper,hobby br lpk kt cc maen CS..follow me..regroup team..ade tournament kot..kikiki.
hey..1st of ol i want 2 introduce myself..jz col me 20 ears old chicks from a secretive person who proud 2 be myself.i hate peeps who trying 2 b other person..tolonglah..ermmm wut else?im a happy go lucky..make fun 24 hours!!hiatttt!!owh.i hv a lots of novel collections,read2 n read at my free time..besh kottt..huhu.i luv 2 passionate 2 listening a lots of genre music music,rave song..rnb..ballad pn boleyy cz can make me lyn bluess..kekeke.somtime fentau pn boleyy..cucuk langit bez jugekk!!ahaks!!fast song pn me rs nk meloncat..ayarks,jatuh la plk..huhu.i luv my frenz so much..hidup genk SB!!chaiyo3!!
ol of music yg msk dgn jiwa n kepala da mention kt ats??2 kt ats 2..huhu..
sme type of movie ok jew as long as x mbowinkkan..layannnn..zasssss!
natasha,manjalara,mutiara hati of coz..spongebob,doraemon,crayon shin chan,ninja boy,sailormoon.popeye the sailormoon tuuut2..drama indonesia suker gler..hindustan jgn di lupooo..tamil pn boleyy..hidup silva raju..kekeke yinnadeiii!!ahaks..
hot magazine,in trend,ehh,mangga,remaja,hai,urtv,doraemon,detactive conan,dragon ball,harry potter,novel2 kuuuu..
my father n brothers,n ol my boy frenz out there!!luv u all..david becham,brad pitt,justin timberlake..meramor!