[♥]((So . BoReD . iN . MiChiGaN))[♥] profile picture

[♥]((So . BoReD . iN . MiChiGaN))[♥]

A Wise Girl Kisses But Doesn't Love, Listens But Doesn't Believe, And Leaves Before She Is Left. --M

About Me

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♥Every once in a while, people step:. ::They rise above themselves:. ::Sometimes they suprise you:. ::And sometimes they fall short:. ::Life is funny sometimes, it can push pretty hard:. ::But if you look close enough, you find hope...In the words of a child:. ::In the bars of a song:. ::And in the eyes of someone you love:. ::And if you're lucky, I mean if you're the luckiest person on this entire planet, the person you love will decide to love you back:.

♥ *♥ *♥ *♥ *♥ *♥ *♥ *♥ *♥ *♥ *♥ *♥ *♥ *♥ *♥ *♥ *♥

♥.♥.♥ Well first off, I'm MANDEE! Im from a tiny town in Oklahoma. Thats were my

is....! But right now I am living in Michigan ... Which I really hate... I am a thousand miles away from all my friends...

Candace is my best friend, I can't imagine life without her. She's keeping me from going crazy from boredom out here in Michigan .. I have many friends and I love them all SOOO much (*and miss them too!*)! AND I CANT WAIT FOR SARA TO MOVED HERE WITH ME!!!!! i♥her!!!!! They have taught me so many important things about life. ♥.♥.♥Like: No matter what you've done, where you are, how much trouble you are in, or how stupid you were,your true friends will be there for you. They never turn their backs to you, and they will always be there for you when you fall.. Never let a relationship ruin a friendship. ((And)) friendship isn't a popularity contest, you should be friends with someone for WHO they are. Not WHAT they are... ♥.♥.♥ I have also learned that love isn't enough... you can love someone and they can still make your life a living hell! ♥.♥.♥ AnyWaY!! So about me! I ((L♥VE))... PARTIES!!! . Summertime . The lake . Sleeping in . beer pong . dancing . watching movies . texting . animals . dates . walmart at 3 in the morning with Candace and Akerman . MY FRIENDS . Cuddling . HOTT GUYS . chocolate . doing hair . BUDLIGHT . big sunglasses . diamonds . my family . road trips . DANE COOK . Rollercoasters . tanning . THE YANKEES!!!!!!

NotHiNg LaSts ForEvEr * So LiVe iT uP! * DriNk iT dOwN * LaUgH iT Up * aVoiD tHe BuLLsHit * tAkE cHaNcEs * aNd nEvEr hAvE ReGrEtS * bEcAuSe aT oNe PoiNt eVeRyThiNg YoU DiD wAs eXaCtLy wHaT yOu wAnTeD!

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My Interests

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and i love sleeping!:)
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I'd like to meet:

Anyone and Everyone! LOL
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My favorite bands are: Green Day, HIM, All American Rejects, Aerosmith, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Sugar Cult, Mickey Avalon, 30 Seconds To Mars, and Many more!:)
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♥ I LOVE SCARY MOVIES!!! Like: The Hills Have Eyes 1 and 2, The new and old Amittyville, The Grudge, The Texas Chainsaw Massacres,Saw 1 and 2 and 3, and pretty much every other scary movie. I also like chick flicks, my favs are: THE NOTEBOOK ♥ Steel Magnolias ♥ How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days ♥ Where the Heart is ♥ City of Angels ♥ Ghost ♥ And many more! :)




LOL i love the Harry Potter Books:)


My momma!!