having fun, enjoying life, sharing good times with friendsSee what Care Bear you are.
These are my bitches ^ from left to right: me (KP), Hot Ta-Molly, Janeske, and Kimmithy
Create yours at BlingyBlob.com!
"As we practice and practice and we struggle to get all our notes just right, it is easy to forget that there is more to music than just the right notes. Remember that music sometimes flies, yet sometimes it cries; sometimes it is joyous, yet sometimes it helps us grieve. Music is a powerful thing, and it can be a force for good in the world, even a force for peace." this music video makes me laugh:
I love movies, especially the scary ones!
Family Guy, Scrubs, Robot Chicken, House, Heroes, Weeds, The Whitest Kids You Know
..I love these kids: