GHS 1999 High School Reunion Itinerary October 2, 2009 GHS Homecoming BBQ at GHS, 5:00pm 7 dollars for VIP entry (preferential seating, meal and memorabilia provided for all those ballas)
Cocktail Celebration Sandbar, 10:00pm 9868 West Northern Avenue Peoria, AZ 84345 (623) 877-6444 No cover for the first 30 alumni, no cover for ladies, 5 dollar cover for guys
October 3, 2009 Class of 1999 Alumni Mixer Peoria Salty Seniorita, 4:00pm Annual GHS Reunion Salty Seniorita, 5:00pm 8011 West Paradise Lane, Peoria, AZ 85382 (623) 979-4822
October 4, 2009 Potluck BBQ and Picnic, Location and Time Questionable
Check back soon for updates!
Do you remember... Cost of Living 1999 How Much things cost in 1999 Yearly Inflation Rate USA 2.19% Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 11,497 Interest Rates Year End Federal Reserve 8.50% Average Cost of new house $131,750.00 Average Income per year $40,810.00 Average Monthly Rent $645.00 Cost of a gallon of Gas $1.22 Average cost of new car $21,050.00 US Postage Stamp 33 cents 1 LB of Bacon $2.59 Ground Coffee per IB $3.41 Loaf of Bread $1.49 Dozen Eggs 89 centsThe worlds population exceeds Six Billion. The Wars in the Balkans continue to cause suffering in the region, but both sides do come to the table and a peace is agreed. The world prepares for the new millennium parties and computers around the world run testing for the millennium bug which could cause wide scale disruption to business and infrastructure if not fixed. The take up of the Internet and Mobile Phones around the world open up new opportunities for successful entrepreneurs.Internet Explorer version 5 releasedThe "Melissa" e-mail virus, infects more than 1 million computers worldwide causing more than $80 million in damage, clogging up E-Mail Systems around the worldMars Climate Orbiter reaches Mars but due to software error taking spaceship to close to surface is destroyed by atmospheric stresses and frictionThe year 2000 problem known as the Y2K problem and the millennium bug was the most important thing on most companies minds in 1999. Critical industries (such as electricity or financial) and government functions could stop working at 12:00 AM, January 1, 2000. This fear was fueled by the press coverage and other media speculation, as well as corporate and government reports. All over the world companies and organizations checked and upgraded their computer systems.My Space was officially introduced to the InternetBluetooth announced.The initial release of NapsterThe genetic code that comprise the euchromatic portion of human chromosome 22 is released into the public domain for the good of mankind.[LOVEMYFLASH][/LOVEMYFLASH]