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Kit Rebden

About Me

Having picked up the guitar some years ago to learn to bang out some covers, Kit quickly realised that he could combine two talents, peotry and playing guitar; the songs were born and the covers quickly forgotten about. Well thats not stricktly true, he does play some, but prefers performing his own work.Several bands down the line he's back to performing solo, but there's stiring in the band world and there's a selective number of artists slowly emerging who want to work on his next recording. Its currently being called Project 1'08 and its the model for the next CD, we'll keep you posted about this and as musicians contribute to Project 1'08 their names will duly be printed on this site and their accolade and contribution will be acknowledged with enthusiastic expression, EG: 'UNTIL THE END' written by Newcastles VANDETTA - see DOWNCAST STUDIOS, cheers, thanks very much, for that opportunity, looking forward to the after party and more recordings!Please comment on the songs as this is going to inform Kit as to what songs to record as well as in what order to present them on the album.One thing for sure is that the first song that Kit wrote will feature on the next CD. 'Head over Heels' also made an appearance on the 2002 EP recorded with his band of that time, STETSUN which comprised of Lead, Bass Drums acoustic and vocals. The 2002 album was recorded at POLESTAR STUDIOS in Newcastle upon Tyne. During 2007 -2008 recording's have been sampled with Kit's very good friend and mentor VanDetta who's new venture and studios are due to open in February 2009, check out DOWNCAST STUDIOS. There's a rumour they'r gonna get together to record as Kit has got some new and old songs he's eager to work on; namely re-records of 'Washed Out' (hopefully with original drummer of STETSON, Simon Postlethwait), Blood from a Stone' - 'Annabella' & 'C'mon your mine' to name a few will suitably in the challenge box.The next step is to get all the interested parties together, draw up a game plan, book some studio time and gigs and get it on once more, Kits been too long in the closet. KEEP WATCHIN THIS SPACE. Thanks to his friends, family and fans that this project is still live, as at one time it was gonna be shelved indefinitely.

My Interests


Member Since: 16/09/2008
Band Members: Kit Rebden - Guitar, Vocals, percussion.Niagra Zingi - spiritual advisor, mentor, companion and string arrangements. More recently, Kit recorded a track with Newcastle musician VANDETTA, Featuring on vocals this DEMO shows off his VERSatility (excuse the pun) and tenacity on vocals. Check it Out 'Until The End'.
Influences: Influences include; Gutter Twins, Vivaldi, Freddie Mercury, Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger, Radiohead - (Thom York), Crowded House (Finn Bro's), Sonic Youth, Dandy Warhols, Ian Brown, Moby, Charlatans, Mansun, The Kills, Julian Cope, Foo Fighters, K.D.Lang, John Lennon, Tom Jones, Screaming Trees, Velvet Underground, David Bowie, Turin Brakes, The Animals, 10,000 Maniacs (Natalie Merchant), Jeff Beck, Morcheeba, Kings of Leon, John Peel, Buffalo Tom, Fugees, P.J. Harvey, Supergrass, Depeche Mode, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Small Faces, Foo Fighters, Everything but the Girl, Kid Rock . . .
Sounds Like: Kit's origins in early rock/pop from the Rolling Stones and the Animals to Queen and Depeche Mode to Buffalo Tom and Ian Brown to Radiohead and more. However there's no one sound/ person/ artist that Kit would like to aspire as this would obviously indicate that its all been done before; therefore the end result of the forthcoming album will be the set the future preppy. The sound will be as good as the recording studio's; High Standards Incorporated. (HSI).
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Check out this video: Hydrogen Bomb Test

Check out this video: Hydrogen Bomb Test
Posted by on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 22:06:00 GMT


 As Oscar Wilde once said "To make a good salad is to be a brilliant diplomatist - the problem is entirely the same in both cases. To know exactly how much oil one must put in one's vinegar. (183...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 21:37:00 GMT