"fashii0n cHANGEs, +sTyLe+ rEMAINs."- coco chanel. Singing & Music are MY HEART. What do I like? Boyz... Men... MaLeS. hehehe... Food. Wait lemme correct that, GOOD FOOD. The world and the people in it. Urban politics. The aDVANCEment of my people. [Understanding] my people. MaR10. Fashion. StYle. leaRninG. liviN liFe. Makin / Spendin money. seeiNg nEw thinGs. My friends AKA The Dudeys. And last but not least, MY DAMN SELF.
The love of my life lol. ::shrugs:: haha! Wishful thinkin... People who aint bout da drama... ppl who live every day like it aint promised to em... The definition of 'y0uNg Flyy n fLa$hy'... Dudes who can recognize a qUeeN when they encounter one... and more importantly know how to treat one... a strong man with a strong mind... young revoluti0naries!... Anyone whos gon make my life a lil more interesting than it already is... ;)
The Coldest Winter Ever, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Monster, Bad Girlz...
HaTeRs keep me strong... But heroes?? They don't exist. Only person I have absolute faith in is myself... Beyonce said it best, "It's just me, myself and I. That's all I got in the end." Got some people that I draw s0o0 much from, and THANK GOD for, but in the end, nobodys perfect.