cocoa0f[cocoa.creamy]says:WE Are 0ur w0rst Enemy | profile picture

cocoa0f[cocoa.creamy]says:WE Are 0ur w0rst Enemy |

This is definitely n0t [the space] to hit me on... aim@LadyMario523... h0ller babiezZ

About Me

|pUBLIC aNNOUNCEMENT. In observance of all the lames infesting the world of MySpace these days, I feel it's now becoming necessary for all my beautiful women of the world to say this... if you ain't about shiT,

DON'T HIT ME UP. Don't request me, don't message me... don't even look at my pictures...

When you a real b1tch trynna' get .and keep. ya sh1t together, |settling is not an option|. Can't a man in this world convince me otherwise.

iF i s0und (a little, just a teeny tiny bit, kinda but not really) bitter, it's because I am... :)

THAT'S ALL FOLKS! Happy holidays yall, eat chicken, get maaaD drizzy, heal the world and all that... lol

[buT bEFORE yOU rUSH oFF t0 mY pHOTO aLBUM...] Do me a favor n read these... a couple of my favorite qu0tes.

"We (black people) have now become willing participants in our own genocide."-Brother Naiim Akbar

"I would've been able to free more slaves had they known they were slaves."-Harriet Tubman

"The strongest weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed."-Steven Biko

"Drug dealers buy Jordans, crack head buy crack, and the white man get paid off of all of that."-Kanye West

"The less you think about your oppression, the more your tolerance for it grows. After a while, people just think oppression is the normal state of things. But to become free you have to acutely aware of being a slave."- Assata Shakur

"...are we all too busy getting blunted, listening to DipSet, and sedating ourselves to get up, get out, and get something?"- Laura Checkaway ( Blog writer) ....

[yeah, right? :silence:] Just think about em'...

One word to describe me? There is n0ne. I've been described as a bit.. "offbeat"... I'm not offbeat, I just tend to move to my own rhythm. I'm just Naomi, as simple or as complex as that can be at times, I'm always [mE] and I do it 100%. cuz unlike mosT, I love who I am. That's who I'm gon be 'til the day I die, don't try to change me, just accept me or lace ya' kix, pick up ya Metrocard n hit the streets. My heart beats music and my palms sweat fashion... and beneath my perm, is an afro! l0l I got krazii creativity just fallin' out my azz... I know what ii want in life and I know what it has to offer me... and I know how and more importantly, how not to get it. I do what I do and I make it work for me, Juelz said it, I live it. The End.


[na0mI] aka... Nomi...Naoyou...Naj0miii...or just simply Nay. it's all relative :)

This profile was made at! :)

My Interests

"fashii0n cHANGEs, +sTyLe+ rEMAINs."- coco chanel. Singing & Music are MY HEART. What do I like? Boyz... Men... MaLeS. hehehe... Food. Wait lemme correct that, GOOD FOOD. The world and the people in it. Urban politics. The aDVANCEment of my people. [Understanding] my people. MaR10. Fashion. StYle. leaRninG. liviN liFe. Makin / Spendin money. seeiNg nEw thinGs. My friends AKA The Dudeys. And last but not least, MY DAMN SELF.

I'd like to meet:

The love of my life lol. ::shrugs:: haha! Wishful thinkin... People who aint bout da drama... ppl who live every day like it aint promised to em... The definition of 'y0uNg Flyy n fLa$hy'... Dudes who can recognize a qUeeN when they encounter one... and more importantly know how to treat one... a strong man with a strong mind... young revoluti0naries!... Anyone whos gon make my life a lil more interesting than it already is... ;)






The Coldest Winter Ever, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Monster, Bad Girlz...


HaTeRs keep me strong... But heroes?? They don't exist. Only person I have absolute faith in is myself... Beyonce said it best, "It's just me, myself and I. That's all I got in the end." Got some people that I draw s0o0 much from, and THANK GOD for, but in the end, nobodys perfect.

My Blog

. [the truth hurts.]

..>   [I honestly don't think this was written by a caucasian as it says... this really sounds like a frustrated African American trying to enlighten his/her people... but aside from that, ...
Posted by cocoa0f[cocoa.creamy]says:WE Are 0ur w0rst Enemy | on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:21:00 PST

My own lil welcome party...

Yo wus gud all my MySpace headz out there... awww ::tear:: I feel so "in" now that I have a page lol Im such a dork... But yeah... soon as I get all dis sh1t rite in my head I'll be on here much more,...
Posted by cocoa0f[cocoa.creamy]says:WE Are 0ur w0rst Enemy | on Fri, 30 Dec 2005 10:32:00 PST