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About Me

What is isBIZZ?The Internet Has Changed Forever!Imagine a television station, newspaper or even social networking website that gave its entire audience 90% of its advertising money just for watching, reading or registering.That’s what isBIZZ does! This is FOR REAL!isBIZZ is the world’s first ever networking website where you are paid simply for running your profile page and tuning in. The more popular it is and the more people that visit your profile page, the more money you will make. We provide you with an unlimited network to become as big as you want, or choose to be. It’s not rocket science guys. Cool and switched on advertising partners pay us, just so we can divide it with you.Advertising is about to change forever, because we are the first web site in history to give you, our members, 90% of everything we are paid by our advertisers. People talk about the internet changing the world. Well finally it has!Start creating your profile page and building your network now! As from 2009, we will start to distribute, and continue to distribute 90% of all of our advertising revenue to our entire network of members. That’s YOU! This means that you make money while you message, while you talk to your friends, while you plug your business/ career, you name it, we pay you for it. You make money just for doing whatever it is you love or need to do online.

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