I have been inspired since the age of 18 years old to minister to women all over the world, young and old. Based upon my own personal struggles as a woman I have come to the realization that as women; we have been robbed of our role, our identity, and most of all- our value and self-worth.
The danger of being robbed is that we wander off in search of our purpose, our identity, and our worth. And, as a result we suffer drastic consequences. John 10:10 says, .."Satan comes to steal, kill and to destroy: but, Christ have come to give us life in abundance..". The word also says in Proverbs 6:30-31, .."If you find a thief he must return double of what he stole..."As a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, it is my desire to see women from diverse backgrounds and cultures come together to experience the power of God's infinite love. Through Women of Inspiration Ministry, my goals are to teach women through God's word about their divine uniqueness. I am confident, that women will be set free and will begin to experience God's best for their lives.So, let us get ready to take back our valuables! Our heart, our mind, our gifts, our identity, our relationships, and most of all our destiny.
Attention!!! All the daughters of the King. Arise, to your purpose, begin to represent your Father's kingdom with excellence, with purity, and with humility. As you arise, may you inspire other women to His palace- A place of comfort, love, joy, and peace.
We are destined for greatness and as we learn to walk in it- we become women of inspiration! Inspiring through Christ's love- our King. Living it- the Kingdom way! His Eternal Princess, Selines Soler..