->Introducing our Pride & Joy: Jasabella Cyn-Maia Rose Manriquez<-
[name]: BETzii....
[birthdate]: APRiiL NiiNTH....
[sex]: FEMALE....
[relationship status]: HAPPiiLY MARRiiED 2 JASoN ANTHoNY MANRiiQuEz.....
[shoe size]: 5 1/2 iiN BoYS & 8 iiN GiiRLS....
[parents still together]: YuP!!! HAPPY 2!
[siblings]: 3 SiiSTERS & 1 BRoTHER & 1 BRoTHER iiN LAW....
[pets]: 3 DoGS....
[color]: GREEN....
[number]: 17....
[time of year]: SuMMER.....
[type of weather]: WARM & SuNNY....
[food/drink]: FooD: iiTALiiAN, MEXiiCAN & CHiiNESE.... DRiiNKz: H2O oR ANYTHiiNG WiiTH VoDKA....
--Do You--
[twirl your hair]: YEAH WHEN ii‘M BoRED....
[have any tattoos]: uMz.....
[cheat on tests]: No....
[like scary movies]: YEAH, ALL THE TiiME....
[like cleaning]: YEAH... ii'M A NEAT FREAK....
[know how to drive a standard]: YEAH....
[own a cell phone]: YEAH, ii LoVE MY PHoNE!!!!
[collect anything]: PiiCTuREz & MEMoRiiEz.....
[been in a fist fight]: YEAH.... ii WAS JuST iiN oNE RECENTLY....
[considered a life of crime]: HAHAHAHAHA! SHHHH!!! CAN'T TELL....
[considered being a hooker]: EWWW, No!
[been in love]: YEAH....
[made out with just a friend]: No....
[hurt someone you love]: YEAH....
[kicked someone in the nuts]: YEAH.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
[clothing]: A CuTE T & SKiiNNY JEANz....
[hair]: STRAiiGHT & DoWN....
[song you are in love with]: MY PRoFiiLE SoNG.....
[cd in your stereo]: MY MiiX....
[mood]: HAPPY & LoVED....
[thing you ought to be doing]: LAYiiNG DoWN WiiTH MY HuSBAND
[first crush]: MY FiiRST LoVE, JASoN ANTHoNY MANRiiQuEz....
[first kiss]: DoN‘T REMEMBER.....
[first love]: MY HuSBAND, JASoN MANRiiQuEz....
[do you believe in love at first sight]: uMz.... NAH....
[do you believe in "the one"]: YEAH.... ii FouND MiiNE....
[are you a tease]: YEAH.....
[would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]: ii ALWAiiZE Do
--ARE You--
[honest]: YEAH.... VERY HoNEST....
[sarcastic]: YEAH....
[a daydreamer]: YEAH... Do iiT ALL THE TiiME @ WRK....
[up tight or laid back]: LAiiD BACK....
[messy or organized]: oRGANiizED....
[shy our outgoing]: ouTGoiiNG!!!!
[nervous habits]: TALKiiNG Too MuCH....
[are you double jointed]: YEAH....
[can you roll your tongue]: YEAH....
[do you make your bed daily]: WHEN ii'M NoT RuNNiiNG LATE FoR ANYTHiiNG....
[which shoe goes on first]: LEFT....
[bought something]: CLoTHEz & SHoEz....
[been sick]: BARELY GETTiiNG oVER THE FLu....
[sang]: YEAH....
[missed someone]: ii SoRTA KiiNDA Do....
[gotten drunk]: YEAH, JuST RECENTLY WiiTH THE GiiRLz....
[gotten a haircut]: NoT iiN A WHiiLE, GoNNA LET iiT GRoW ouT.....
[watched cartoons]: YEAH.....
[been kissed]: YEAH....
[lied]: WHEN NEEDED....
[you spent the night with]: THE HuBBiiE J.A.M....
[spent the night with you]: THE HuBBiiE....
[saw you cry]: JASoN & THE iiN LAWz....
[made you cry]: GiiViiN' BiiRTH 2 MY BEAuTiiFuL DAuGHTER, JASABELLA..br />[you said "i love you" to]: To MY ♥, MiiSTAH J.A.M....
[told you they loved you]: MY ♥, MiiSTAH J.A.M....
[the best feeling in the world]: BEiiNG iiN LoVE....
[the worst feeling in the world]: WATCHiiNG SoMEoNE u LoVE, LoVE SoMEoNE ELSE.....
[your greatest fear]: LoSiiNG THE oNE ii REALLY LoVE.....
[the thing you want most in life]: 2 BECoME A LAWYER....
*You have to take the good with the bad, smile when you're sad, love what you got & remember what you had. Always forgive but never forget, learn from your mistakes but never regret, people change, things go wrong. Just remember life goes on**Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us, it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others*