The Legacy is a campy tongue-in-cheek slasher film created as tribute to our favorite B slasher films of the past... Brought to you by the award winning film company "Feathered Italian Films" The Legacy is one hell of a ride.
The film follows a group of young people on their camping vacation... Without warning their numbers start to fall as they are viciously hunted down by an unknown psycho... Are the legends true? Does the "Reaper" exist or is the murderer much closer than they think?
Check out The Legacy featuring stars such as hardcore wrestling legend Al Snow, female wrestling superstar Sojo "Josie" Bolt, Womens Extreme tag team champions "Rockstar" Roni Jonah and Bobcat, Jim O'Rear (The Deepining), Daniel Emery Taylor (Return of The Swamp Thing) and five time MMA cage fighting champion Dale Miller. Not to mention Jason Crowe (Dead Moon Rising), TJ Moreschi (Bottle Rockets), Nathan Day (Stash) and Kate Stanley (Hell-Ephone) Plus many many more!
You'll have a KILLER time!