..Imagine weighing just 30 pounds and being hit by a car so hard that you end up with two front broken legs, a back broken leg, your hip out of socket and a fracture in your pelvis just to start. Well that is the true life trauma of 5 month old little Boxer pup Popeye. This little guy was taken to the shelter by his owner who did not want to pay for the surgery to care for him after the accident. Unable to walk and in horrific pain this pup got a second chance. BRLA pulled him from the shelter and got this baby to a hospital right away. Popeye is such a lucky dog our Orthopedic Specialist came in on a Saturday to start his surgeries. He will have the following procedures done today. Fix front broken leg, cast the other front broken leg, repair fractured Pelvis, put the hip back in place and repair broken back leg. He will be all put back together soon but the medical expense is $7500. Can you please help this Puppy?? Money always seems to stand in the way of rescuing a dog but how could we leave him behind.
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website www.tazzyfund.org
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