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I am here for Friends

About Me

alright how u doin, im always abit hyperactive, which can annoy my mates and i love goin out gettin mashed with my mates . i have dropped out of uni again i love being a student but i cant be arsed stuying. i work at bupa now at slaford queys its isnt the greatest job but its easy. my dream job is playin rugby full time n cuttin tress down with an axe makes u feel like a man.

My Interests

muisc, films, rugby and most of all gettin mashed up with my mates

I'd like to meet:

someone who hasnt killed fun, the fuckin nazis


anything that sounds good really but mainly its indie, punk, ska, emo and u just cant beat the madchester sciene of the late 80's early 90's fuckin class


i cant name all my best films it would go on for ever but i would have to say my favourate film has got to be 24 hour party people its a fuckin classic


there are too many to mention but heres a little list, nathern barley, the mighty boosh, brasseye, the day today stuff like that and of course neighbours where would i be without that


the only books i really read are music books cant get into anythin else so supose my favorate wil hav 2 be 'touching from a distance' its about ian curtes or how ever u spell his name, and bang cock chick boys its a really good read


all my mates coz they are all legends, alan flecher a.k.a karl kennedy, noel and liam of course, shaun edwards the greatest rugby player of all time, steve coogan, ian brown, john squire and big richard ashcroft u get the idea

My Blog

mash up

MASH UP, need i say any more but i wil everybody get out on friday 4 a massive mash up for the day of irvins birth 19 year ago, so there r no excuses
Posted by bob on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

fuckin board shitless

im boardshitless so board im on here n as per usal i hav no fuckin e-mails, mash up 3rd of june irvs house hope 2 c every1 there off there tits think im gonna break a K record 10 or 12 wot do u all th...
Posted by bob on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST