Stand close to the people who love you the most, they will love you forever...
About Me
im a coo laid back ni99a. smoke and jus chill. startin my new job on the 22nd. jus gettin it all bac together slowly but surely. startn to realize the best thing to do is keep to myself and jus realizin i really dont have any friends just fake ass ppl in my face because of somethin they want. nobody is here for my best intrest and honeslty its a disappointment. Im just so sick n tired of niggaz proclamin to be yo friend and have yo back when the whole time they r jus out for themselves. i have learned ALOT this past couple of yers. 1 thing i have learned and will never forget.....TRUST NO 1. i swear durin my 20 years of bein on this earth i can say i have had one MAYBE 2 guinwine friends. josie and mike. and, we have had r ups and downs but jus dealin with other ppl i realize what a friend is all about and i thank you for that josie and mike. LOVE YAL WIT ALL MY HEART!. FUCK THEM OTHER BYOTCH AZZ NI99AZ PROCLAIMIN TO B MY FRIEND! and u kno who u r. i jus kno i need to be about myself. nobody is gonna have my back like ME! and its sad i had to go thru alot to learn that. im jus glad i learned it at a young age. I jus got out of a 2yr relationship. mann, I went thru sooooo much that I never could imagine I would. I learned that love is pain. I learned that I have to be willin to give in order to get. I'm not gonna say that i regret the last two yrs b/c the truth of the matter is I don't. I jus learned a lot. I know what I DO and DON'T want in a relationship. I wish I could of had it with the last person I was with but that's nor here or there. I know NOW. I know how to treat the person that I'm with and that's really all that matters.. thank you for all the love u showed me. u will always have a piece of my heart.