This profile was tweaked at MyspaceGeeks.comWell what can I say about myself to entice you my adoring fans. I am a whipping boy turned creature of the night, turned catamite. But more importantly now I am Jean-Claude, a vampire and an incubus, your guilty pleasure. In fact Guilty Pleasures is one of the many clubs I own and operate, a place where I can feed one of my many hungers we shall say. For most find my long silky black hair and sapphire eyes irresistable, even ma petite gave in eventually. But to be exact, through a series of most unfortunate events and the death of dear departed Nikolaos, I am the Master of the City of St. Louis, and just recently I became free of the Beautiful Death, my old master, when I evolved into a Soudre de Sang, a bloodline head. I run the city with a recently returned friend from the past, mon cher ami Asher, mon chardonneret. But my passions truly lie with ma petite, the Executioner, Anita Blake. She is my human servant and the love of my life, whether she will admit it or not, and part of a triumverate of her, myself, and the werewolf Richard, my animal to call. So come let us know one another better, I am sure you are just dying to.
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