*JAY*, *moVieS*, *mUsiC*, *VidEoKe*, *TaLkiNg*, *eMaiL*, *TexT*, *ceLLphOneS*, *InTeRneT*, *FooD*
basta nice at hindi bastos, ok napde rin funny, witty, sweet, maasikaso, thoughtful..
*rnb*, *alternative*, *oldies*, *pop rock*, *love songs*, *wonderful tonight*, *let the love begin*, *it might be you*, *after the love has gone*, *every now and then*, *time will reveal*, *acoustics*, *parokya ni edgar*, *the corrs*, *maroon5*, *red hot chili peppers*, *creed*, *incubus*, *new found glory*, *vertical horizon*, *alicia keys*, *mariah carey*, *usher*, *black eyed peas*, *nelly*, *southborder*, *neocolors*, *avril lavigne*, *freestyle*, *spongecola*, *session road*, *nina*, *kyla*, *kitchie nadal*, *MYMP*, *rivermaya*, *bamboo*, *tattooed on my mind*, *if i'm not in love*, *till they take my heart away*, *stay*, *sway*
*diSnEy pRoDuctTioNs*, *hoRRor*, *sCi-Fi*, *uNg TiPoNg eNd-oF-The-wOrLd mOviEs*, *mRs. wInTeRbouRne*, *tHe muMMy*, *cEnteRsTagE*, *tHe cuTTing eDgE*, *wHiLe yOu weRe sLeepiNg*, *mIss coNgeniaLiTy*, *tWo wEEks noTice*, *hOw To LoSe a gUy iN tEn dAyS*, *LegaLLy bLonDe*, *mY bEsTfRieNd's wEddiNg*, *teN tHingS i hAtE aBouT yOu*, *The weDDinG siNgeR*, *eVeR aFteR*, *neVeR bEEn kiSSeD*, *preTTy woMan*, *LaKe HouSe*, *MaiD iN maNhaTTan*, *SIMONE*, *liLo anD sTiTcH*, *fiNdiNg neMo*, *beAuTy anD tHe bEAsT*, *sHRek*, *aMeRicAn pIe 1 2 & 3*, *a WaLk tO rEmeMbeR*, *tHe noTebOOk*, *tHerE's soMethiNg aBouT mArY*, *sPideRmaN 1 & 2*, *tHe loRd oF tHe riNgs (ung 3)..*, *oCeAn's eLEveN*, *liTTle blAck booK*, *bLAde 2 & 3 (since d ko pa napapanood ung 1..)* *sHaoLin soCCer*, *aNgeR maNaGemeEnT*, *wiNd taLKeRs*, *aRmageDDon*, *ausTin poWErs*, *iF onLy*
*NARUTO*, *deathnote*, *lizzie mcguire*, *that's so raven*, *rugrats*, *hey! arnold!*, *recess*, *as told by ginger*, *even stevens*, *kim possible*, *my wife and kids*, *totally spies*, *queer eye*, *martin mystery*, *simple life*, *blindate*, *5th wheel*, *ETC*, *disney channel*, *extra challenge*, *game k n b?*, *wowowee*, *mr.bean*
*AdVenTuRe* *Sci-Fi* *LovE sToRiEs* *suSpeNsE-ThriLLeR* *GreeK aT RoMaN MytHoLogY* *VinCe'S LifE* *dRaMa QuEEn* *cHrisTopHeR pIkE aT r.L. sTiNe* *AdVeNTuReS oF SheRLoCk HoLmEs* *ABNKKBSNPLAKo?!* *BaKiT BaLikTaD MagGbaSa nG LiBrO AnG MgA PiLiPiNo* *AnG PaBoriToNg LibRo ni HuDas* *SPHERE* *tiMeLine* *bOOks ni MicHaeL CRichToN*