CIRQUE NOIR's sounds, images, and words act as time-honored "sign posts" which lead one's gaze towards the deeper and more subtle mystical themes of "KNOWLEDGE vs. WISDOM," "FACES" (masks, make-up, and dolls' faces: in essence, the "surface" of things vs. the unmanifest Reality beneath), "STRINGS" (manipulation of the individual human self by external influences vs. Self-Sovereignty and the power of the Will), "DARKNESS" (the willful inner act of delving into the esoteric "Depths" of the unknown dusty corners within the human mind / consciousness), and "INFINITY"...the progressive unveiling of the true nature of the "Self"...or, in other words, THE BEYOND WITHIN.
CIRQUE NOIR's musical creations and manifestations contain many, many layers and chambers and locked rooms. Only you, the listener and perceiver, decide how FAR you want to DEEP you want to DELVE.
Just step within the realm of our darkly-shrouded yet strangely luminescent tent...