The fact that it has taken me so long to decide what to write (and I am not just talking about the 15 minute stare right now at the screen), probably says a lot about me. I am a thinker. I watch. Observe. Read people. Their faces, their thoughts. Subsequently I have become a bit of a mimic really. It's my "thing." That and coffee. Oh and wine. But really coffee. MMMM... Coffee... Makes me miss Melbourne. I am also somewhat anal... hence the fact that I spent over 300 quid on an espresso machine! HEY, I LIVE IN LONDON AND GREW UP IN MELBOURNE! If you've been to either you will understand. In fact if you only have ever been to Melbourne at all, you will understand. Proud to call myself a coffee snob.
Apart from being over 6'1", 2 arms 2 legs, most things in the right places, What is there to say about me? I mean interesting though. Well, usual stuff out of the way, I am a singer and actor. I haven't decided in what order today. If I did, it would no doubt change by tomorrow. Singer, actor, competent mover... or comedy mover. Someone recently described my antics on the dance floor as a cross between Jim Carrey and Austin Powers. Fact and fiction... hmmm also says a bit about me.
I am currently playing the role of COACH BOLTON in the original UK production of HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. I "appeared" in the original Westend cast of The Drowsy Chaperone. I say "appeared" as I actually was not on stage every night. I was the Walking Cover to 4 of the lead roles, waiting around for one of them to go off. A great job, albeit a little quiet at times. Which I am sure will no doubt change without any notice whatsoever.
While I am a thinker I am also other things. I was described by a friend once as having met 4 different people in me. Flirty and funny on the phone/text, serious boho "lefty" thinker over a glass of wine, sensitive gentle soul after the glass of wine, aaand that's all I'll say about that!
Things I have been known to say; "I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body" and "I'd make a great hippy if I wasn't so anal about my hair."
Ok more interesting things I have done. In no particular order. I have been a bar tender (ok I am an actor and Australian... no epiphany there...), I have been a bouncer. Bouncer with brains they called me. But it wasn't hard to be that guy... seriously. But I have been personal security to a few cool people. Jerry Seinfeld, Martina Hingis, Mary Pierce to name a few... 'scuse me while I bend down and pick up those names I just dropped... ok back again. I have sung for the Queen and many of the Royals... whoops there I go again... I used to be an opera singer. I have worked on a holiday resort in the Whitsundays. Fathered the most wonderful little girl on the planet. I have been in the musical CATS more than almost anyone else in Australia. And believe me, that is no mean feat, some of them have done it waaaay too much... myself included. I am, curiously enough, allergic to cats. Both the animal that is feline, and the "animal" that is the musical belonging to Andrew Lloyd Webber.
I can't leave it there... with the name "Andrew Lloyd Webber..." Shit, I have done it again... quick, send me messages asking me more about me. I will answer I promise. Ciao for now. (Damn Andrew Lloyd Webber... shit)
Ok... Superhero stuff... Yes I am definitely Superman. I was having this convo just the other day with a friend, but amazingly I only have a 2% difference in being The Hulk, or Supergirl... S'up with that? Explains a lot actually...
You are Superman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...