Selina Jo puts the 'Ditz' in ErDiDe profile picture

Selina Jo puts the 'Ditz' in ErDiDe

Pyaar kabhi bhi marta nahin

About Me

Selina:. weird & wonderful...mainly weird though : )

click these! :.

My Interests

Local Community, Travelling, Concerts, Art in all forms, Picnics, Walks, Rounders, badminton, volleyball etc...Pictionary, Balderdash, Amusement Parks, Theatre, Festivals,

I'd like to meet:

Waris Dirie, Russell Brand, Bonnie Greer, Muhammad Ali, Maya Angelou, George Carlin jr, Rick Baker {Monster Maker}, Gizmo, the Goblin King Uncle Buck, the boy who could fly, Aladdin, Mike Wazowzki, Captain Jack Sparrow &...all artistes :)
Shamone Mofo! xj


e.g. Otis Redding, Bjork & lots more...
I don't really like techno or niche though
"Remembering Lynden David Hall" from Dec. 29 2006:-
My Blog On Lynden {click}
>>> ..


e.g. Dogma; Gremlins2, SHOLAY & lots more... ..
Least favourite types would be war movies and then chick flicks except My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Miss Congeniality & Wedding Singer....still - no war movies in my list!!


Live music, The Apprentice, Dragons Den, the News, House, Lost, Nip Tuck, Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives, Prison Break. Comedy programmes/stand up/. Not into soaps but wouldn't mind writing one!


Khaled Hosseini;Quaizra Shahraz; Roald Dahl; Zadie Smith; Walter Moers; Patrick Neate; Alex Haley & autobiographies




My Blog

Menezes...Oh God they have an image of him now :\

its a cold world out there - police have been found to have lied about their actions and edit documents on what actually happened in the events leading up to them wrongfully killing Brazilian Jean Cha...
Posted by Selina Jo puts the 'Ditz' in ErDiDe on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 02:47:00 PST

1968 Mexico Olympics. i playa

Hey everyone hope you're well. So many goosebumps from watching this doc on tv - the footage is phenomenal...i had to share. available for limited time only on bbc i-player to watch/download.   ...
Posted by Selina Jo puts the 'Ditz' in ErDiDe on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 04:28:00 PST

Beautiful...the week in pictures

This image provided by NASA from the Spitzer Space Telescope shows the newly discovered second brightest star in our Galaxy, the "Peony Nebula Star," in the central region of our Milky Way. Whil...
Posted by Selina Jo puts the 'Ditz' in ErDiDe on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 12:43:00 PST

dramamamamama...why meeeee!

I'm so tired that I'm.wearing my glasses for the first time at my new job...and they're probably older than Maxwell's first album...& definitely uglier than Harry Potter's, damn if they even ...
Posted by Selina Jo puts the 'Ditz' in ErDiDe on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 12:59:00 PST

The Influence (uk/us)

i know adding to this is pointless but i gotta say i hope Beverley Knight hasn’t given up on the British Music Industry, I know she was pissed off only winning MOBO awards and using them to cast...
Posted by Selina Jo puts the 'Ditz' in ErDiDe on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 07:41:00 PST

My debut performance! Check out this video: 12.01.

Oh so professionally a tv crew..well by my friend&sisters. I dunno how to post more than 1 video in a i bulletined them in 1.The two about a relationship have been turned into a s...
Posted by Selina Jo puts the 'Ditz' in ErDiDe on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 02:19:00 PST

Deeyah Presents...Jus1Jam

I have a music page up...I created it a long time ago and did nothing with it. A few months ago, while my older sister was networking on Myspace more often she came across a music artist called Deeya...
Posted by Selina Jo puts the 'Ditz' in ErDiDe on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 02:46:00 PST

just-in/Amy Winehouse/Lily Allen...artists/entertainers. [Crys - i couldn't sleep cuz of you!]

{I think this is an important}NOTE: I am not really an Usher fan I'm really sorry I lost sense & became a hata & wished for just-in's downfall ...I try not to focus on these unimportant issues...
Posted by Selina Jo puts the 'Ditz' in ErDiDe on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 06:59:00 PST

Timberrrrrrrrrrrr {hatin...but explainin!}

...into a lake&.i can't wait for his downfall!! Yeh I know that headline's so crap but anyway I've been debating whether its worth it to rant about this boy just-in timber lake for a long time {c...
Posted by Selina Jo puts the 'Ditz' in ErDiDe on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 06:52:00 PST

Shamone Motherfuckers!

Naturally beautiful ยป     I love Michael, always have always will!   For me, my favourite period of his music is between '78 and '81  When the Jacksons left Motown & he was com...
Posted by Selina Jo puts the 'Ditz' in ErDiDe on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 06:04:00 PST