My name is Peter Henk S, after a life of much sin and lots of tears I found mercy and forgiveness by my Lord Jesus Christ. He made me free of guilt, because He took the punishment which I deserved, when He died on the cross for our sins. It has been a while now since I got reborn. It is really amazing that when you went your own way, with lots of sin, and your life gets totally stuck, you can go to Jesus and He receives you with open arms. He learned me to lay my life in his hands, which is a great blessing. When you do that (make God the God of your life; put Him in the right place), and lower yourself, you’ll understand that He only wants good things for you and He will take care of you every day, the whole day. Like a father that takes care of his son. I also learned to pray for the Holy Spirit. Who asks Jesus for the Holy Spirit receives Him, and when you receive the Holy Spirit you can understand the will of God in your life and you will see what things have a negative effect on you, so you can get rid of them. You can understand what the bible truly means (it opens), you can receive prophesy, patience, comfort, hope, pleasure and truth. And when this life ends, your spirit will receive a new body and the Holy Spirit will live in you forever. This will happen after Jesus has returned, and separated the good and the evil. The murderers, liars, thieves, (those who will not repent and change their lives) will be lost forever, but the ones that go to Jesus and ask for forgiveness and lay their lives in his hands, will go in into his Kingdom, and will live forever on the new earth where the new Jerusalem shall be, where God and Jesus shall be its temple and They will lighten everybody and wipe away every tear.
Henk's Complete Blog Entry
The starting of life (view more)
Christmas (with Old Testament prophecies) (view more)
Holy Friday (with Old Testament prophecies) (view more)
Easter (view more)
The Ascension and Appearances of Jesus (view more)
Pentecost: The coming of the Holy Spirit (view more)
Maranatha: The return of the King (view more)
The new eternal life with God (view more)
Philologus (My new site)(Under construction)
The way back
Bible in (+35 languages)
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