to ask a man who he is gets you the things that he thinks he is. mostly things he would like to be, rather than factual data of who he really is. in a sense, he is too close to himself to see what another person will perceive him to be. unable to step outside himself and observe what other people see when they look at him - and at no fault of his own. pick a friend. any friend. is he 'the guy who passes out on the couch', or 'the dude that never shuts up'? or maybe 'the chick with the nice ass', or my favorite 'THAT bitch'. and you know what? none of them know exactly which of those labels you consciously or unconsciously assign them. they think they're 'a gentleman, a poet and a bit of a scholar' but everyone else sees 'that creep who uses poetry for pick-up lines at the bar'. i assume you understand. for those who do not, allow me to retort,
if i am 'the guy who's always bitchin' about something' (for example) i don't know it.
i may say i'm passionate, opinionated and very expressive. and from within me i may see those characteristics as clear as day.
you, from out there, may just see the guy who's always bitchin' about something.
and you can't get in.
so how do you find out, for sure, who i am?
ask the ones who know and love me. their in my top 8, and the many pages therein.
check this out, it's my online graphic and web design portfolio designofthemind
Last Rites - the band that started it all - L.R. 95'