www.longislandfoodie.com, Travel, trying to stay zen, obtaining knowledge, cooking (by myself or with my husband), watching cooking shows, cooking classes, reading about cooking....anything that has to do with food (especially if it's healthy, local and all natural), entertaining in my home, skiing, snowboarding, volleyball, pilates, & dance!
The Dalai Lama
I like pretty much anything (including country) but here are my favs: Bob Marley, Thievery Corporation, Jack Johnson, James Blunt, Stephen Marley, Damien Marley, The Roots, Talib Kweli, Matisyahu, JT (Mr. Timberlake to you), Common, Tenacious D, Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson, Madonna and Mos Def. Hip Hop forever. And of course who can forget Bon Jovi.
Not much of a movie watcher but my favs are: Snatch, What the Bleep Do We Know, Grandma's Boy, Super Troopers, Harold & Kumar, Old School and Garden State....pretty much anything funny or educational and never anything scary (and anything by Zach Braff).
I love Reality TV! Anything on the Celebreality or E! Networks, Ninja Warrior, The Discovery Channel, Scrubs, That 70's Show, Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, CSI (only the original), The Ultimate Fighter, Project Runway, Top Chef, Anything on the Food Network, The Soup, Heroes and (I miss!) Lost.
The Alchemist, Turning Your Mind into an Ally, On the Road (Jack Keuroic) or anything from the Beat Generation, Siddhartha, Tuesdays with Morrie...
Anyone who can accomplish their dreams.