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W E - A R E - N O T - T H E - K I S S A W A Y - T R A I L
just a bunch of crazy fans supporting them(!!)
Målet med denne side er for os, at gøre alle jer en del af det fantastiske univers, som de fem drenge i bandet THE KISSAWAY TRAIL har skabt. Vi vil holde denne side opdateret med informationer om kommende koncerter, anmeldelser, samt billeder fra deres koncerter, så at sige vil vi stortset holde jer opdateret med alt der er KISSAWAY TRAIL relateret.
THE KISSAWAY TRAIL stammer fra Odense, og har siden 2006 tryllebundet os med deres smukke indie-rock melodier. Hvis du endnu ikke har lagt øre til deres fantastiske musik, skal du ikke fortvivle, de har lagt et par numre op på deres myspace side , og deres officielle webadresse og husk endelig at tilføje dem som myspace venner!
Meningen med denne side er ligeledes at I skal kunne dele jeres historier fra koncerter osv., jeres følelser, og jeres oplevelser, med os og alle andre der måtte være interesserede, FORDI, det er det, det handler om - fællesskabet. (og fordi vi helt vildt gerne vil høre det!) på samme måde vil vi selvfølgelig også prøve så godt vi nu kan at være til rådighed, altid og hele tiden, er der noget i ikke forstår eller vil i bare snakke, så send os en besked - hvad enten det er som message eller som comment. Vi vil ligeledes se at få stablet nogle ting, arrangementer, konkurrencer osv. på benene.
OG vi er altid åbne for gode forslag(!!)
BAND INFO: Søren Corneliussen og Rune Pedersen dannede, i 1999 bandet HOSTMOM. Det bestod desuden af Johnny Nielsen og Jacob Kristiansen. Bandet nåede sammen, at udgive et par ep’er. Og på den 3ep ”New sounds/New Wounds”, skiftede de trommeslager Johnny ud, med Alf Lenni. Hvorefter bandet skiftede navn, til ISLES. – De udsendte i 2003, en demosingle ved navn ”Promise and Tide/A violent beginning”. I 2004 erstattede Thomas Fagerlund, der tidligere havde været forsanger, i det Odenseanske band SHANE, guitarist Jacob Kristiansen. Og bandet udgav, i 2005 albummet ”We have decided not to die”. Bandet blev i 2006, til THE KISSAWAY TRAIL. Og med i bandet kom, trommeslager Hasse Mydtskov og guitarist Daniel Skjoldmose. De udgav sammen, i efteråret 2006, deres debut ep, ”into the ocean and rise again”. Hvorefter de i januar 2007 allerede var klar, med deres anmelderroste debutalbum, ”the kissaway trail”, i Danmark, hvor det i resten af Europa, blev udgivet i april samme år. I samarbejde med pladeselskaber, som Bella Union, etch n sketch records og playground music. Albummet indeholder singlerne; smother+evil=hurt, La La song og 61. Sidstnævnte er blevet valgt, af FIFA til at være med på soundtracket til FIFA09. Sammen med blandt andre FOALS, MGMT og the kooks.
THE KISSAWAY TRAIL var i 2007, det danske band der spillede flest internationale koncerter. Hvor de blandt andet varmede op, for engelske EDITORS, men også med dem selv, som hovednavn. I Danmark oplevede de blandt andet, at spille på diverse festivaler, heraf kan vi nævne ROSKILDE FESTIVAL og Århusianske SPOT FESTIVAL.
Bandet siger selv, at deres musikalske indflydelser kommer fra bands, som f.eks. sonic youth, pixies og blonde redhead.
For tiden bruger de det meste af deres tid, på opfølgeren til ”the kissaway trail” fra 2007, et album der efter sigende skulle være færdigt, engang til foråret 2009.
Our mission with this page is to make all of you a part of the fantastic universe, that the five guys in THE KISSAWAY TRAIL have created. We'll keep this site up to date with information on upcoming gigs, reviews, gig photos, pretty much everything Kissaway Trail related!!
The Kissaway Trail hail from Odense Denmark, and since 2006 have been mesmerising us with their beautiful indie-rock melodies, if you’ve yet to hear their superb talents check out their myspace site and their official website , don’t forget to add them as a friend!
We want you to share with us your gig stories, memories, emotions and pictures. If you have any questions send us a message and we will try to help. In the future we aim to have some events and competitions
AND we're always open to new ideas or suggestions(!!)
BAND INFO: In 1999 Søren Corneliussen and Rune Pedersen formed the band HOSTMOM, along side Johnny Nielsen and Jakob Kristiansen. Releasing three EP's as HOSTMOM, following the release of their third EP “New sounds/new wounds”, Alf Lenni was brought in as drummer and they changed the name of the band to ISLES.
As Isles they released a demo-single,“promise and tide/a violent beginning” in 2003. In 2004 Jakob Kristiansen left the band, shortly after Shane lead singer Thomas Fagerlund joined the band. In 2005 Isles released their debut album “We Have Decided Not To Die”.
2006 saw further changes for the band as the Isles became The Kissaway Trail. Alongside this Hasse Mydtskov joined the band as Drummer and Daniel Skjoldmose as guitarist. Together they released their debut ep “Into The Ocean And Rise Again” in the autumn of 2006. This was closely followed with the release of their debut album “The Kissaway Trail,” in January 2007 in Denmark, April 2007 in UK & Australia/NZ and May 2007 in Europe & Scandinavia.
The album features the singles Smother + evil=hurt, La La Song and 61, - 61 has just been chosen to appear on the new FIFA 09 soundtack, along side bands such as Foals, MGMT and The Kooks.
In 2007 The Kissaway Trail supported Editors in their European tour, this was followed by their own headline UK tour. Their success has taken them to perform at numerous festivals including The Roskilde Festival, Spot Festival, The Montreux Jazz Festival, Latitude and Bestival.
The Kissaway trail are currently working on their follow-up to “The Kissaway Trail” which we believe will be released in spring 2009 (We can’t wait!)
このページは、私たちの愛とパワーでTHE KISSAWAY TRAILをサポートし盛り上げよう!という趣旨で活 動するファンサイトです。あなたもぜひその メンバーの一員として、私たちと一緒にTHE KISSAWAY TRAILを日本から応援しませんか?もちろん常時こ のサイトでは彼らの最新活動&Gig情報、ライ ブでの写真などなどアップしていきますので お見逃しなく!!!
The Kissaway Trail hailã¯ã€ãƒ‡ãƒ³ãƒžãƒ¼ã‚¯ã®ã‚ªãƒ¼ãƒ‡ãƒ³ã‚»å‡ºèº«ã€ï¼’ï¼ï¼ ï¼–年結成時より美しいメロディーを奏でる゠¤ãƒ³ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¼ãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¨ã—て私たちを魅了し続けだ¦ã„ます。彼らの素晴らしい楽曲をまだ耳にだ—たことがない方は、今すぐこちらからチェムƒã‚¯å‡ºæ¥ã¾ã™ã€‚ myspace site and their official website , もちろんチェックした後はバンドへのフレン ドリクエスト忘れないでくださいね。
また、あなたのメンバーとの素敵なエピソー ド、思い出、写真などあれば自由にコメント &メッセージお願いします。質問等も常時受 け付けていますので、気軽にこのファンサイ トに参加してくださいね。このサイトはデン マーク、イギリス、そして日本をメインに活 動しているため、日本語で対応可能です。安 心してご参加ください。
特に、彼らに関する新しい画期的なアイデア や意見は大歓迎です(!!)
バンド情報: 1999年、現メンバーSøren CorneliussenとRune PedersenはJohnny Nielsen、Jakob Kristiansenと共にバンドHOSTMOMを結成。その後HOS TMOMをはじめとして3枚のEPを引き続きリリー ス、そして彼らの3枚目のEP“New sounds/new wounds”発売後、Alf Lenniが新しくドラマーとして加入。バンド名㠂’ISLESへと改名。
Islesはシングル“promise and tide/a violent beginning”を2003年に発売。2004年に Jakob Kristiansenがバンドを脱退するも、間もなくThom as Fagerlundが新メンバーとしてバンドへ加入。2 005年、Islesはデビューアルバム“We Have Decided Not To Die”を発売。
2006年、IslesはThe Kissaway Trailへと再びバンド名を改名。その頃、Hasse Mydtskovが新ドラマーとして、Daniel Skjoldmoseがさらなるギタリストとして加入。だã®å¾Œã€ï¼’006年秋、彼らの初作品となるEP “Into The Ocean And Rise Again” が発売される。そして間もなく彼らのデビュ ーアルバム “The Kissaway Trail”が2007年1月にまずはデンマーク㠁§ã€ï¼’007年4月にイギリス、オーストラ㠃ªã‚¢ã€ãƒ‹ãƒ¥ãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ¼ãƒ©ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã€ï¼’007年5月に㠃¨ãƒ¼ãƒ­ãƒƒãƒ‘ã¨ã‚¹ã‚«ãƒ³ã‚¸ãƒŠãƒ“ã‚¢ã€ï¼’ï¼ï¼ï¼—å¹´ï¼˜æ œˆã«æ—¥æœ¬ã§ãã‚Œãžã‚Œç™ºå£²ã•ã‚ŒãŸã€‚
このアルバムはシングルカットされたSmother + evil=hurt、La La Song、61が挿入されている。特に61は、Foals、MG MT、The Kooksといったそうそうたるバンドと共に今年㠁®FIFA 09ã‚µã‚¦ãƒ³ãƒ‰ãƒˆãƒ©ãƒƒã‚¯ã«é¸ã°ã‚ŒãŸã™ã°ã‚‰ã—ã„æ¥½æ ›²ã§ã‚る。
2007年、The Kissaway TrailはEditorsのEU&UKãƒ„ã‚¢ãƒ¼ã‚’ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã€‚ãã®å¾ Œã™ãã«å½¼ã‚‰è‡ªèº«ã®UKツアーを敢行。彼らの輝 かしい成功はThe Roskilde Festival、Spot Festival、The Montreux Jazz Festival、Latitude、Bestivalなどでの素晴らしいラ イブパフォーマンスによると言っても過言で はない。それほど彼らのライブには人を引き 付ける何かがあるに違いない。
現在The Kissaway trailは“The Kissaway Trail”に続くセカンドアルバム製作のためス㠂¦ã‚§ãƒ¼ãƒ‡ãƒ³ã®ã‚¹ã‚¿ã‚¸ã‚ªã«ã¦ãƒ¬ã‚³ãƒ¼ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ³ã‚°ä¸­ã €‚2009年早々には私たちの手元に届けら㠂Œã‚‹äºˆå®šã§ã™ãŒã€ã¨ã«ã‹ãå¾…ちきれないです㠂ˆã­ï¼ï¼ï¼

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the kissaway trail - 61
the kissaway trail - la la song

the kissaway trail - smother+evil=hurt

My Blog


The Kissaway trail will be supporting white lies on their 3 Irish dates. 8th-9th-10th december 2009.We will return with more information as soon as we hear anything.Meanwhile, check out this link - it...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Sep 2009 13:35:00 GMT


Hi all. We have just finished uploading pictures from the SOUNDVENUE TOUR in november 2008. + a coupe of pictures from KICKSTART MASKINEN in Odense this January 17'th 2009. If you have some pictures f...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 14:02:00 GMT


Odense Show CancelledDue to unforeseeable circumstances, we have unfortunately had to cancel the show in Odense 7th November. We are really sorry about that, but hope to see you at one of the other sh...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 08:01:00 GMT


THE KISSAWAY TRAIL vandt idag den føromtalte kulturpris de var indstillet til læs mere her; issaway-Trail---er-AArets-Kulturnavn .. der komm...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 15:15:00 GMT

KULTURPRIS (in danish)

Dette er endnu en omgang halvgamle nyheder, men det er hvad der sker når man lige er startet. Ikke destro mindre synes vi at det her er vigtige nyheder, det handler nemlig om at KISSAWAY TRAIL drengen...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 15:05:00 GMT


so we did some thinking, while uploading some of our pictures from different kissaway gigs, and we found out that it would be pretty cool, to ask you to send us some of your pictures, if you've g...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 00:18:00 GMT


SO, this is old news - we know, but we just found out that many of you, don't even know the dates of the SOUNDVENUE TOUR in November, and thats a shame, since we've been telling all of you to go, and ...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 19:15:00 GMT