Anything and everything, especially exotic things, random facts, my friends, fun stuff, school, New Orleans, food, bubble tea, CC's and PJ's, watching movies, sleep, Ft Walton, making fun of comercials, living life to the fullest, not making lists, reading (fantasy and scifi esp.), and clean dishes
New Friends, old friends, famous people, people that I'd like to meet
Almost everything, but I can't list any of it because I'm too lazy about music
Garden State, Pirates of the Caribean, Saved!, Dogma, all James Bond, Indiana Jones, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Producers, Lord of the Rings, Bend it Like Beckam, Robin Hood Men in Tights, Crash, Hotel Rowanda, The Shining, Sixth Sense, Star Wars
Smallville, X-Files, Star Trek, Family Guy, Southpark, E.R., CNN, CSI, Law & Order, Dora the Explora (from too much junior year), movies on TV (not TV movies)
The Secret Life ot Bees, Harry Potter, Still Life with Woodpecker, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galxey, Jitterbug Perfume, Eragon, Pride and Prejudice, Sphere, and A Confederacy of Dunces