Some pics from my adventures!
Symbolic Action---Rhetoric"The use of words by human agents to form attitudes or induce actions in other human agents." "the use of language as a symbolic means of inducing cooperation in beings that by nature respond to symbols.""Humans are the symbol-using, symbol-misusing animal, inventor of the negative, separated from our natural condition by instruments of our own making, goaded by the spirit of hierarchy, and rotten with perfection."Kenneth Burke
Esta cancion se la dedico a la persona ideal que por destino me a dejado en solitud ! Cuando respiras, respiro yo! Music Video Codes - MySpace Layouts
Creation Myth"In the beginning, there was universal Nothing. Then Nothing said No to itself and thereby begat Something, which called itself Yes. Then No and Yes, cohabiting, begat Maybe. Next all three, in a menage a trois, begat Guilt. And Guilt was of many names: Mine, Thine, Yours, Ours, His, Hers, Its, Theirs--and Order. In time things so came to pass that two of its names, Guilt and Order, Honoring their great progenitors, Yes, No, and Maybe, begat History. Finally, History fell a-dreaming and dreamed about Language-- (And that brings us to critics-who-write-critiques-of-critical-criticism.)"Kenneth Burke
I find these books to be extremely delicious to read: Book, The Footnote, Sovrana Sostrata, Gorgias, Aristotle on Rhetoric, and other literary works.