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About Me

We started this band up when out youth leader at the time, Joyce Cook, thought it would be a cool idea to involve out youth in a choir. So we came up with the idea of starting this band. We originally started with just 3 people then we came along picking up a bass player and before you knew it. Taken was playing Wednsday night service up at Mountain Creek Baptist Church, for God, and nothing more.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/4/2005
Band Members: Daniel Weeks-Lead Guitar
Johnny Taylor-Bass
Preston Graham-Drums
Clay Gooch-Guitar/Vocals
Brittany Cochran-Vocals
Courtney Weeks-Vocals
Layouts By D
Influences: Joyce Cook and all of our Family at Mountain Creek Baptist Church
Sounds Like: Praises to Jesus!!
Record Label: Unsigned

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