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Section: Personal Profile About Me Like to Meet Interests Music Movies Television Heroes Books Music Profile Bio Members ------------ Comments Only
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and use these instructions for: About Me Events Group Page Comments Music Profiles
Step 1. Copy the code from the box above.Step 2. On your MySpace, click “Edit Profile†(top left corner).
Step 3. Paste the code into one of the boxes such as About Me, I'd like to meet, Interests, etc. (Right-click in the About Me box, and choose “Pasteâ€, or just Ctrl-V)
Step 4. Scroll to the top of the page and press “Save All Changesâ€, and you are done!
Step 1. Copy the code from the box above.Step 2. On your MySpace, click on “Events†on top of the page.
Step 3. Click “Create New Event†link.
Step 4. Type in an “Event Nameâ€.
Step 5. Select a “Categoryâ€.
Step 6. Enter your “Postal Codeâ€.
Step 7. Paste the code into the “Long Descriptionâ€, box (Right-click in the box and choose “Pasteâ€, or just hit Ctrl-V)
Step 8. Press “Save Event†and you are done!
Step 1. Copy the code from the box above.Step 2. On group page, click on “Edit Group†(the top right corner).
Step 3. Paste the code into the “Description†box.
Step 4. Press “Save Changes†button, and you are done!
Step 1. Copy the code from the box above.Step 2. Go to your friend's page and click on the “Add Comment†link in the comments section.
Step 3. Paste the code into the textbox (Right-click in the Comment box and choose “Pasteâ€, or just hit Ctrl-V).
Step 4. Press “Post a Commentâ€, and you are done!
Step 1. Copy the code from the box above.Step 2. On your MySpace, click on “Edit†(on left of the page).
Step 3. Click on the “Band Details†tab.
Step 4. Click the Edit link for “Bioâ€, “Membersâ€, “Influencesâ€, or “Sounds Likeâ€. Paste the code into the box (Right-click in the box and choose “Pasteâ€, or just hit Ctrl-V).
Step 5. Press “Preview†and then Submit and you're done!
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HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments style type="text/css"{ Created using FreeCodeSource.com Profile Editor }{ Contact Table }
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fashion layout at
HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments I'm a laidfound this
fashion layout at
HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments back person , who loves to laugh and have fun. I'm in school for sociology because i love to help others i want to impact on someones life to know i was able to help one person is reward enough for me . Life is short so i think we all should enjoy it while were here ya
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HotFreeLayoutsIt's easy! Just follow these 5 simple steps:
Look for your favorite slideshow on this page.
Copy the Code under the slideshow you choose (Ctrl + C).
From your user home page, click on "Edit Profile".
In the section you want to display the slideshow (try "about Me"), paste the selection (Ctrl + V).
Click on "Save All Changes" and enjoy your new Slideshow!
a .text