Bint Abdul Majeed profile picture

Bint Abdul Majeed


About Me

Well, Well, Well, where do i begin? lol I felt it was bout time i wrote bout myself. Erm first of all i'ld like to say a BIG Salam to all my muslim sisters and brothers out there.I'm a different kind of person, a complex character if you will- they don't make em like me anymore (true stories). That's NOT a joke, lol.Na, but on a level i love to laugh- if your funny i'll take a liking to you lol. If i don't laugh for a while i start to get grumpy- no joke! I'm a shy person- tend to be a people pleaser but detest being told what to do or when people take advantage of me/others or become expecting. I'm comfortable with routine but hate predictability. I'm just live in London and try to follow my deen to the fullest, that's all i can think of right about now; but if you want to get to know me don't hesitate to hit the 'add as a friend' button.Anyways i'll leave you to it Take care, Masalaama Ukhtii Fi DeenI edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
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My Interests

.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .. One thing you should know about me is that i can't easily limit myself to one interest. I'm eclectic you see.

I'd like to meet:

No one rude or stush- i don't know why people allow them to feel so special. Otherwise i'ld like to meet some descent people and anyone funny...ok maybe not anyone, you know what i mean, lol. Hold on... i don't wanna know any people coming on the net to look for beef... i mean really... how low can one sink? That definately isn't my style and it shouldn't be yours either.


My i'm playin', recitations of the Quran by Abu Bakr Ash Shatry, Mishaaree bin Raashid Al-`Afaasee and Sa`d Al-Ghaamidee- MASHA'ALLAH...may Allah be pleased with them...ameen. Nasheeds, ta'arab and Arabic music. I'm actually trying to cut down on music, so i shall begin with those with meaningless lyrics that circumambulate the matters of loose girls, money, cars and intoxicants.


THE LION KING!!! Romeo and juliet (the new one), Harry Potter, Madagascar (i aint watched it yet but i know i'll love it), Coming to America, Bankok Hilton- that film really did scare me. Bottom line i'll enjoy anything funny cause i like to laugh, but could be persuaded to watch horrors (only to regret it later on).


Behind the veil on Islam Channel (if you don't know you better ask). Most of the black american shows on trouble, desperate hosewives, scrubs, THE O.C, The 70's show, Braniacs- science abuse...things that make you go hmmmmmm?!lol, 'Enders (all the other shows just copy its script)etc.


The Qur'an (without it only god knows what state would be in); Noughts&crosses trilogy; From My Sister's Lips- Naima B Robert; Chinese cinderella + all sequels, Child called it + sequels, Malcom x etc. You get my drift.


There's none worthy of immitation other than the prophet (SAW), then the Sahabas and Sahabiyaats, may Allah AL-HASÃŽB (The Reckoner) be pleased with them all...ameen.