Spending time with my daughter and my girlfriend . Making Movies and Music. Photography. IMPROV COMEDY. Walking, Beer, All nighters, Showers, googling myself and my friends.
A nice tall glass of Beer and a bowl of pretzels
Radiohead, The Police, Tom Waits, The Killers, Tool, Weezer,Beck, Frank Zappa, Miles Davis, Thelonious Monk, Sonny Rollins, The Shins, The Sun, White Stripes, The Rolling Stones, Phantomas, Beethoven, The Decemberists, The Arcade Fire, Ryan Adams, Bob Dylan, Spoon, Nirvana, The Beatles, The Raconteurs, Mortal Remains, Sudden Fear, The Meanwhiles, Louis Jordan, Ernie Marrs, Blur, The Flaming Lips, Torrie Amos, Billy Holiday, The Beat
Fight club, Office Space, anything by Woody Allen, Good Fellas, Ghost World, Friday the 13th Part 2 and The Toxic Avenger. Anything by George Romero, The Exorcist, American Splendor, Casino, Fubar, American Movie, The Apartment, Heavy Metal Parking Lot, Best in Show, Hated, THe Decline of Western Civilization Part:2, Monster, Lennon vs. the U.S
The Simpsons Mr. Show, The Office (UK version), South Park, Doc day on the Sundance channel, Nova and COPS, I fuckin' love COPS, long live white trash. The Daily Show, Coubert Report,ATHF, Re-runs of All in the Family, The Golden Girls, Six Feet Under, The Kids In The Hall.
A Confederacy of Dunces, Johnny got his Gun, anything by Hunter S. Thompson, Love is a Dog From Hell, Brave New World, Haunted, Breakfast of Champions, 1984, Crime and Punishment, America, Neon Bible, Fahrenheit 451
Malcolm X, Woody Allen, The cast of Sesame Street, Edward R. Murrow, Bukowski, George "The Animal" Steele, My Mom. Satan. The Fonz, My Daughter Isabella, My lovely girlfriend Lisa, All The performers at The UCB Theatre, The Mike Pacheco Experience.